The Merits of Meritocracy

Sunday, August 30, 2020

What Is It

几个世纪以来,“美国梦”的承诺一直是,只要一个人全力以赴,努力工作,她就可以实现她的目标。换句话说,我们延续了精英主义的观念,即一个人付出的努力越多,拥有的能力越多,他就能获得越多的成功。但这是真的吗?考虑到某些群体所面临的历史和社会弊端,严格的精英制度似乎不可能也不应该存在。那么,真正的精英统治能实现吗?如果它真的存在并且存在,它会公平吗?Josh and Ray level the playing field with Jo Littler from the City University of London, author ofAgainst Meritocracy: Culture, Power and Myths of Mobility.



Zettmeister's picture


Monday, August 3, 2020 -- 11:40 AM

Meritocracy is an ideal

Meritocracy is an ideal founded on the notion of the rugged individual. The notion that hard work alone bestows a certain prestige and authenticity to an individual is only realized among 'equals' Not all individuals have equal brain or physical function, economic or class opportunity or tribal affiliation based on race. That is not to say that those individuals so 'afflicted' cannot rise above and beyond a staring point further back in the line, only reflects the probability that not all will attain similar goals or aspirations when circumstances vary.


gmengel's picture


Monday, August 3, 2020 -- 3:55 PM

I think the purpose of


Trog16's picture


Tuesday, August 4, 2020 -- 3:03 AM

The closest I have found to a

The closest I have found to a meritocracy that works is the military promotion system. Is it truly without flaws? No is my answer. However, It does allow for the least amount of favoritism. It also provides for the best chance of recognition without personal bias. I do not feel that any conditions for recognition or merit based success is without flaw. I believe that is based on human nature which will always attempt to influence any System that is put in place to allow for maximum personal achievement. A meritocracy or merit based system is still the most desirable way to acknowledge and recognize Hardworking people.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 12, 2021 -- 3:20 PM

I wrote a different set of

Comparison to the Scandinavian model fails, on it's face. Why? Social Democracy works in Sweden because of the much smaller population. In the United States, the whole notion violates the law of diminishing returns. So, the conservative political agenda comes front and center. Disinformation and misinformation rule. And 'average' Americans trust their sources and ideology to the dissemination of, uh, 'alternative act's. Remember that one?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 -- 6:19 AM

Thinking further about the

Thinking further about the content of this post and the remarks offered (mine and others). Maybe the entire meritocracy idea is obsolete? Let's suppose, for a moment, that the united States was smaller, or, since that would be abstraction, suppose she did not shoulder the onerous responsibility of being a world power? More of the wealth currently generated might be directed towards improving the lot of every man, woman and child. Billions now spent on defense, aerospace programs and such like, would go towards social programs, medicine, food improvement and an array of other humanitarian goals and objectives. Lennon's brotherhood of man. Just imagine. Those Scandinavians! What a clever bunch. They don't have all of that onerous responsibility. True, they do not have the power and prestige accrued by other countries. But, I doubt they lose any sleep over it.

By most accounts I have gleaned, they are happier and more well-adjusted than most other peoples of the world. They have respected longevity and are healthier than many. So, I conclude there must be something to the notion of social democracy. It is too late for that system to be relevant here, for the reason(s) formerly stated. But, economists can be creative. Perhaps there may be some variant.
Some hybrid of some sort that would be a 'fit'? Well, just thinking in cyberspace.....

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -- 6:01 AM

Received an email this

今天早上收到一封电子邮件。国会议员。他谈到了他和特朗普总统在Mar Lago的一次对话。或者海湖庄园(Mar-a-Lago),看哪个合适。这是最近的一次谈话,或者说是最近的一次谈话。我通常会立刻删除这些机器人邮件。但是,我很生气地回答说,DJT已经不是总裁了。我知道这位议员不承认规定的事实。可能还相信其他事实。电子邮件不会停止。
I know this. They are soliciting money and their originators don't care where it comes from. It makes being connected tedious. One of the downsides of free speech. That't OK. I would not want the alternative...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, June 26, 2021 -- 9:10 AM

Rhetorical Question: when did

Rhetorical Question: when did the word socialism take on the sinister meaning, currently held by conservative America? I submit that it began with identification of the communist threat. As far back,I guess, as the 1950s. When the Russian world became the USSR, fuel was added to the fire. It was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Even though communism, not socialism, was the foundation of the economic and political system. Knee-jerk patriots pounced. And true conservatism was born. Now, anyone may argue this line of reasoning, But, I tend to be a pragmatist in such matters. So, I assert my proposal is at least partially true. Connect some dots; turn some knobs---see what you come up with.