Good, Evil, and the Divine Plan

Sunday, December 20, 2015
First Aired:
Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Is It

A theodicy is an explanation by a philosopher or theologian about why a world created by a kind and all-powerful God contains so much suffering. It forces us to think about the nature of good and evil, whether the kind of knowledge an all-knowing God has leaves room for human freedom. Why do people who suffer often find their faith in God growing stronger? Is evil an illusion? Does God really need a defense attorney? John and Ken search for insight with Andrew Pinsent, Research Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at the University of Oxford.

Listening Notes

John and Ken ponder over the problem of evil: If there is an all-knowing and all-powerful god, then why is there evil in the world? John suggests St. Augustine’s solution to the problem at least makes our imperfect world consistent with the existence of a perfect god. A world with free will and some suffering is preferred to a determined world with no pain or evil, and so a perfect god might have chosen to create such a world. Additionally, the evil present in our world could be interpreted as part of a larger picture. Without the suffering, the whole might not be as beautiful, and so Augustine thinks it is plausible that God would plan for such evil.



  • Roving Philosophical Reporter(寻求章节4:49):凯特琳·埃施讲述了一个来自萨尔瓦多的修女玛德琳的故事。玛德琳修女经历了一场内战;她目睹并经历了大量的苦难。Despite all the evil she saw, she still believes there is no evil in God’s plan.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(Seek to 49:13):伊恩考虑了各种各样的原因,为什么上帝可能会把邪恶引入世界,沉思各种各样的邪恶。
