
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What Is It

Some feminists hold that there are specially feminine ways of knowing, and the current scientific research is flawed for not recognizing them. Some hold that philosophy itself is a thoroughly phallocentric enterprise, and deeply flawed. Other feminists vigorously reject these views. Join John and Ken as they discuss the philosophies of feminism with Barrie Thorne from UC Berkeley, co-author ofFeminist Sociology: Life Histories of a Movement.

Listening Notes

女权主义是什么?首先,我们认识到大男子主义和性别歧视在我们的社会中普遍存在。肯问种族主义和性别歧视之间是否有相似之处。肯介绍了伯克利大学社会学教授巴里·索恩(Barrie Thorne)。索恩说,女权主义预设性别不是自然的事实。性别是社会学上的东西,比如抚养孩子,而性是生物学上的东西,比如生殖器官。

What about the idea that men care about autonomy and women care about connectedness and nurturing? Thorne says that that idea is powerful but not accurate. Is it accidental that societies have gender roles? Thorne says that all societies have had gender roles. Ken distinguishes between sameness feminism, which says that males and females are fundamentally the same, and difference feminism, which says the differences between the sexes needs to be accepted by changing certain values in society.

Are the fundamental categories of thought, such as reason, gendered? Thorne thinks that the basic categories of thought are not gendered but that they may be used in gendered ways. Thorne points out that there has been work in psychology saying that old theories of development overvalue separation and undervalue connectedness. Is philosophy's method of argumentation gendered? Is the Socratic method a male thing? Are gender differences biological?

  • Roving Philosophical Reporter(Seek to 04:47): Amy Standen asks women what they think feminism is.
  • Philosophy Talk Goes to the Movies(Seek to 47:30): John and Ken delve into the philosophical themes in我们到底知道些什么?,a movie which deals with the relation between quantum mechanics and humanity.
