Referring to the World: Ken's Final Work

Sunday, July 25, 2021

What Is It

On December 2, 2019, Ken Taylor announced that he finally had “an almost complete draft” of a book he had been writing for years. “I think I'll pour a glass of wine to mark the occasion, before plunging back into the work that is still to be done,” he wrote. Tragically and unexpectedly, he died later that same day. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of some colleagues, his book,Referring to the World: An Opinionated Introduction to the Theory of Reference,has just been published. In this special episode, Josh and Ray discuss Ken’s ideas about reference with USC philosopher Robin Jeshion, who helped bring the book to fruition.

Listening Notes

人类的大脑怎么能想到苹果、鸟和汽车呢?我们怎么能谈论圣诞老人和马人这些根本不存在的东西呢?Inspired by the posthumous publication of former中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播主持人肯·泰勒的书中,乔希和雷讨论了参考书的概念。乔希对他的思维之外的物体的指称能力感到惊讶,他认为对真实物体和想象物体的想法惊人地相似。相反,Ray认为存在两种思维过程,一是感知我们周围的世界,二是对不存在的想法做白日梦。

The philosophers welcome Robin Jeshion, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, to discuss the mystery of reference and Ken’s goal to explain reference in thought. She explains how Ken resisted the idea that we’re always trapped in our own minds and inner representations, and he instead believed that there’s a commonality between how we refer to real and fictional things. Josh questions why Ken was so confident to claim that we can get things right about the world, and Robin points out that we can experience many things directly through perception. Ray asks about the downside of referring solely to inner images, which prompts Robin to describe reference failures, where we sometimes only have a word and no object for a certain concept.


  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 4:38) →Holly J. McDede通过Ken Taylor生活中的人,包括他的同事和家人,对他有了更多的了解。

  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 45:21) →Ian Shoales contemplates the complexity of meanings that comes out of a single word.



Josh Landy
How can a human brain think about apples, birds and cars?

Ray Briggs


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, June 13, 2021 -- 1:57 PM

Not what I thought was coming


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, June 14, 2021 -- 6:49 AM

I read Meaning Diminished (MD

I read Meaning Diminished (MD) and will try, as well, to get this one done in time to feedback thoughtfully. Not sure I will get there. The world is starting again in ways that dictate my time whether I refer to it or not.

如果我对MD的理解是正确的,Ken对从语义学中确定形而上学不抱太大希望。这与最近的维也纳圈(Vienna Circle)、逻辑经验主义世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区和蒙田(Montaigne)的递减效果非常吻合。我所知道的转化为世界。在肯看来,语言具有内在的、相对不同的作用和兴趣。在我的理解中,这个最小的视角还不够远,但我不需要测量太多的距离。如果引言和第一章都是正确的,那么引用世界是Ken的偏颇方法。让我读一下,看看还有什么要说的。我只是很遗憾不能听到他作为乔什和雷的客人为自己辩护。

There is a world. There is a brain. Just what the two can say or do to the other is a bit up for grabs. I hope this book will shed some light. Ken had his moments in PT productions where he drew the lines between the arguments. It’s nice to have these two final works where he is in the hot seat.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, July 22, 2021 -- 11:41 AM

Done with the book and

Done with the book and listened to the show just now... so good.

I like Pina Coladas as much as the next person, so I have to clarify it wasn't Jimmy Buffett who was stepping out here, but rather his lady who placed the personal ad in the first place. Desire is the key to that song, not identity. Jimmy Buffett is way too deep for PT to tear down, but I sure hope someone can clarify my clarification because I'm very concerned with Robin's question of stepping out.



我宁愿Ken在这部作品中采用Ruth Millikan的“追踪”和“独角兽”的想法,因为我认为这对进化论、参考理论和生物语义学更有指导意义。露丝还在沉思。PT有必要让她解释并限定Ken的双因素参照主义、概念和概念以及一般意义的想法。我很想听听她对书中最冗长的脚注的回应,那不是肯的。

We still need to share a pina colada in tribute to Ken's passing; CoVid put a stomper on that gathering. Let's do that still. I will risk a flight to share a coffee or worse in his memory.

Josh Landy's picture

Josh Landy

Thursday, July 22, 2021 -- 12:50 PM

That's a great idea, Tim—let

That's a great idea, Tim—let's make that post-Covid Piña Colada happen, in Ken's honor! And thanks very much for all these excellent comments...

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 -- 10:58 PM

With apologies to Rupert

With apologies to Rupert Holmes who penned the Escape (The Piña Colada Song.)

Referring doesn't come without the inevitable risk of error. We may still find truth by honest and humble corrections. Duly corrected.

Daniel's picture


Sunday, June 20, 2021 -- 5:51 PM

The positive ontological

The positive ontological assertion with regards to brains and the world is non-controversial. That the relationship between them is "up for grabs", however, appears much less certain. If the world includes brains, then certainly brains constitute parts of the world, which latter is in turn governed by laws of nature discoverable in the context of the quantitative sciences. A similar issue came up In 1795 when the German anatomist Samuel T. Soemmerring claimed he had discovered a "sensorium commune," said to be a location in the human brain where all sensations flowed together to produce conscious experience. This was where the nerves seemed to concentrate in certain brain cavities, or "ventricles", and terminate in a liquid that filled the cavities, which the anatomist called "brain water" and today is called cerebrospinal fluid. He claimed to have found the location of the soul in the body, upon which the mind and all conscious self-identity depends. The philosopher Kant, quite famous by that time, wrote to Soemmerring that, while admiring his work, he could not accept that he had done what he had claimed, since the soul or mind, he pointed out, can perceive itself only through the inner sense of the combination of all the outer sensations; and to stipulate a place in space for it would therefore be to attempt to make itself an external object of its own sensation, in effect, to "posit itself outside of itself," which would be a contradiction. Could a similar objection be made here, with respect to what might be called a false dichotomy between brains and the world; in contrast to a genuine dichotomy between minds and brains, where the latter are described as constituent parts of the world?

Dwells's picture


Monday, July 5, 2021 -- 5:52 AM

Aha. This is where the

Aha. This is where the discussions of metaphysics and Panpsychism belong.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, July 22, 2021 -- 11:10 AM

This quantitative analysis is

This quantitative analysis is reminiscent of the founding argument of the best-selling book by Oolon Colluphid – Well That About Wraps It Up For God. Logic is good. But, God is great and not so easily dispensed.


There is a mystery here in fictive and objectual representations, at least. Mystery doesn’t prevent Oolon Colluphid from counting her credits in these objectual representations. Her place, how much credit she is due, and from whom is certainly up for grabs. This is not to say that idealism is not the answer. Kant had his way with women folk.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, July 17, 2021 -- 3:35 AM

So, please allow me to re

So, please allow me to re-state my inquiry. More directly: Is referring to the world what Ken Taylor had in mind? It may be construed as such, I suppose. But that is mere supposition on my part. What do you take normativity to be? Please help me here. Or, review your understanding of what Professor Taylor intended.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, July 22, 2021 -- 10:24 AM

Ken does mention his work in


“I do not mean to dismiss the normative and metaphysical considerations just bruited as entirely without force. Indeed, in a big book in progress,
A Natural History of Normative Consciousness, I try my best to do justice to such considerations and many others. Here, I will just insist, though admittedly without the backing of a comprehensive argument, that it would be a mistake to let them drive us all the way to anti- psychologism.” -page 147


Daniel's picture


Saturday, July 24, 2021 -- 6:56 PM

Haven't heard the show yet,


admin's picture


Monday, July 26, 2021 -- 9:40 AM

Hi Daniel, just wanted to let

Hi Daniel, just wanted to let you know that you can listen to the show anytime right here on this page (upper right corner "Listen")!

Daniel's picture


Monday, July 26, 2021 -- 6:57 PM

Thank you very much for the

Thank you very much for the information. I hope however this does not affect the veracity of my position: My anticipation of the show's contents can't mean they don't yet exist, unless of course the two are the same thing.