The Power and Peril of Satire

Sunday, March 18, 2018
First Aired:
Sunday, July 26, 2015

What Is It


Listening Notes


John and Ken are joined by Jane Kirtley, professor of journalism at the University of Minnesota Law School. John asks for her opinion on satire: should satirists only “punch up”, towards those with privilege and power? Kirtley agrees that satire is meant to deflate the power of those who do not deserve it, but suggests that many have misinterpreted the case of Charlie Hebdo. In her opinion, the magazine’s graphic depictions of Mohammed were an attack on an institution rather than on individuals. As the discussion develops, Kirtley and our hosts speak about the difference between speech that is legally protected and speech that is morally responsible.


Roving Philosophical Reporter (seek to 6:20): Shuka Kalantari interviews political satirists themselves on how they draw the line between comedy and hate speech.

60-Second Philosopher (Seek to 46:18)当前位置伊恩·肖尔斯认为,人们开始失去识别讽刺作品的能力,讽刺作品的本质可能不再具有曾经那样的浪漫意义。
