Intelligent Design

Sunday, June 17, 2007
First Aired:
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What Is It

Is there any reason to think the cause or causes of order in the universe bear an even remote analogy to human intelligence? Even if they did, would that mean these intelligent causes had the benevolence and sense of justice required of a Christian God? Is this whole issue one of science, religion, or philosophy? These questions, considered by Hume, have now become the focus of a national debate. The philosophers discuss intelligent design with Daniel Dennett, Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University, author of books on consciousness, evolution, and freedom.

Listening Notes

约翰指出休谟在《自然宗教对话》中讨论了从设计出发的论点。肯说,在达尔文之前,没有充分的理由怀疑设计论。进化论提供了一种理论,解释了没有设计的生命为何会如此复杂。肯介绍塔夫斯大学教授丹尼尔·丹尼特。丹尼特讨论了一个反对进化的论点,他说有些东西不可能进化,因为它们是不可简化的复杂。丹尼特强调,虽然很多人都试图找到不可简化的复杂生物,但没有人找到。不存在关于某些结构是如何形成的开放性问题吗?有很多问题,但丹尼特认为它们最终会被解决。丹尼特说,进化论并不是一个完整的理论。这是否意味着它只是一个“纯粹”的理论而不是事实? No, Dennett explains, it means that there are some parts that are confirmed and some parts that are still being investigated, but on the whole it is accepted. Is intelligent design (ID) worse than evolutionary theory? Dennett thinks so because ID does not have testable consequences and makes no observable predictions.

ID科学吗?ID的支持者不会在同行评议的期刊上发表文章,也不会做出可验证的预测。期刊问题是因为科学界的偏见吗?丹尼特说,这是因为ID部门的人没有能够提出一个好的案例。丹尼特认为,ID阵营对“设计”的不同理解是模棱两可的。丹尼特认为,认为进化完全通过选择进行是错误的。还有其他机制在起作用。宗教为人们的生活提供了一个叙事框架。ID允许人们保留它。进化能允许那些肯定生命的叙述吗? Dennett thinks that we can still create those stories with evolution in mind. Is there an inherent contradiction between evolution and theism that ID theory gets around? Dennett thinks the contradiction depends on what sort of deity the theist wants.

Should ID be taught in high school? Dennett thinks we have the duty of teaching our best confirmed, best known theories in high school, which means teaching evolution and not ID. John thinks that ID is teachable outside of the biology classroom, say, in a philosophy class. Should science be taught as fact or as a 'mere' theory? This question mixes up a couple of senses of 'theory'. Dennett does not think that we should let science stop us from talking about religion.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 04:20): Polly Stryker interviews a high school biology teacher who teaches evolution and a spokesperson for the National Center for Science Education about the difference between evolutionary theory and design theory.
