
Sunday, July 29, 2012
First Aired:
Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Is It

人文主义作为一种运动随着文艺复兴而兴起。它在启蒙运动中得到了有力的表达,并深深影响了美国的建立。但现在,“世俗人文主义”受到了广泛的谴责,甚至是嘲笑。什么是人文主义?它现在变成了什么?在一个重视所有自然相互联系的时代,以人为本的事业是否已经过时?Ken and John are joined by Jennifer Bardi, editor ofThe Humanistmagazine, for a programrecorded live在圣何塞举行的美国人文协会第69届年会上。

Listening Notes

Ken begins with the question: What could be controversial about humanism? Humanism began in the Renaissance with a renewed appreciation for classical art, rejecting the Medieval focus on the afterlife, which ultimately led to the Renaissance and the modern world as we know it. But, as John reminds us, that account avoids the controversy altogether. One can certainly object to current humanist philosophies without objecting to its historical importance. Ken agrees, admitting that ‘humanism’ must be distinguished from ‘secular humanism,’ a modern movement that urges its adherents to focus on this life as the only life.

What does it really mean to be a humanist? Jennifer joins the conversation to help answer our questions. Does a humanist have to be an atheist? Perhaps not, but Jennifer admits that talk of spirituality does not fill the humanist convention. Jennifer calls humanists ‘godless do-gooders, while atheists are merely godless.’


Do some view humanism as a substitute for religion? Can humanism hope to replace religion? One problem that an audience member brings up is that God provides meaning, but how do humanists hope to provide genuine meaning to life without invoking God or a higher power? John, Ken, and Jennifer band together to insist that meaning can be found in a Godless world, even offering individual suggestions as to how to find that meaning.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(seek to 6:15): Rina Palta travels to a humanist conference to find out exactly what being a humanist is all about. And she found more than just ‘Blasphemy Jeopardy,’ she found Bill Nye the Science Guy, who won the most recent humanist of the year award.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(seek to 50:15):根据Ian Shoales的说法,人文主义用……进化取代了几个世纪的折衷的宗教传统?它的吸引力在哪里?人文主义似乎无聊。连秘密握手都没有!
