Drug Legalization

Tuesday, May 25, 2004
First Aired:
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What Is It

Does America's drug problem rest on confused philosophy? Ken and John discuss the philosophical issues underlying arguments for and against the legalization of drugs with Peter De Marneffe from Arizona State University, co-author of毒品合法化。

Listening Notes

药物是如何定义的?官方的名单并没有一个明确的定义。反对毒品非法的理由是什么?自由意志主义的观点是,我可以对我的身体做任何我想做的事,所以政府不应该干涉。Ken介绍了亚利桑那州立大学教授Peter de Marneffe。惩罚吸毒对社会有什么好处?De Marneffe对毒品合法化进行了区分:使用和生产。他认为可以为吸毒合法化提出很好的论据。约翰问,非法毒品合法化是否会像酒精一样对生活造成破坏。是否应该修改对毒品的处罚结构?

Is it fair that alcohol is legal while marijuana is not? De Marneffe says that we need to consider how heavy a burden not using certain substances are on the individuals that want to use them. Has the pot legalization experiment in Holland worked? De Marneffe thinks the case for legalization of marijuana is the strongest of all illegal drugs. One defense of current drug policies is that legalization of hard drugs would have the most damaging effects on youth. Lots of substances are dangerous or damaging, but they are not illegal. Why shouldn't things like fatty foods and sugar be made illegal?

Should research be done to produce drugs with no negative effects? What aspects of the current drug policy should be changed? Does drug prohibition decrease drug abuse substantially? De Marneffe thinks that if it does not, then there is no case for drug prohibition. John points out that we need to distinguish between hard and soft drugs.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 04:32): Amy Standen interviews Quentin, a former drug addict.
  • Sixty Second Philosopher(Seek to 37:00): Ian Shoales gives a brief biography of Aldous Huxley, author of The Doors of Perception and Brave New World.
  • Conundrum(找时间到48:30):珍妮丝问,如果你面试的是一个非常合格的求职者,但她或他让你感到害怕,你是否有理由雇用一个不太合格但让你感觉舒服的人?我们有理由相信第一印象吗?
