
Philosophical Freud

Most people think of Freud as a psychologist rather than as a philosopher. And worse, they often think of his work as achingly passé and of the man as a pseudo-scientist at best, and a charlatan at worst. But I think that Freud was a great philosopher who still has a lot to teach us about ourselves.

Achieving a Measure of Insanity

British psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott wrote in a review of Carl Jung's memoir Memories, Dreams, and Reflections: “I was sane, and…through analysis and self-analysis I achieved some measure of insanity.” How do we make sense of this strange claim?

The Politics of Illusion: From Socrates and Psychoanalysis to Donald Trump

2015年最引人注目(对许多人来说也是最令人担忧)的政治事件或许是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的崛起。起初,很多人认为特朗普是一个有趣的杂耍。几个月来,大众媒体的言论领袖(以及我的许多哲学家朋友)一直在重复,特朗普“没有机会”获得共和党提名,因此他“没有机会”成为美国总统。After each of his inflammatory statements, they declared thatthis time特朗普“走得太远了”,他预测自己会垮台。

The Legacy of Freud

On the one hand, it would be hard to deny that Freud was one of the towering intellectual figures of the 20th Century. Arguably, he single handedly changed the way we think about ourselves once and for all. To be sure, he wasn’t the first to think about the idea of unconscious beliefs and desires. That idea goes back over two thousand years ago to Epicurus. Unlike Epicurus, Freud developed detailed, putatively scientific hypotheses about the exact workings of the unconscious mind. And those theories basically ruled the roost for several decades more or less unchallenged.