
Philosophical Freud

Most people think of Freud as a psychologist rather than as a philosopher. And worse, they often think of his work as achingly passé and of the man as a pseudo-scientist at best, and a charlatan at worst. But I think that Freud was a great philosopher who still has a lot to teach us about ourselves.

Psychopathy and Evil

How ought we to understand psychopathy, especially child psychopathy? If some unlucky children are wired to lack empathy or remorse, can we justifiably call them evil? To what extent can an action be labeled evil in the absence of choice?

Mental “Disorder”: Do You Miss the Mountains?

In the hit musicalNext to Normal在影片的高潮部分,女主角戴安娜·古德曼(Diana Goodman)扔掉躁郁症药物,唱着《我想念大山》(I miss the mountains)。

The lyrics, written by Brian Yorkey for music by Tom Kitt, continue:

I miss the highs and lows,

All the climbing, all the falling,

All the while the wild wind blows,

Stinging you with snow

And soaking you with rain.

I miss the mountains,
