
What Tech Says

科技公司真的在“让世界变得更美好”吗?“破坏”不就是指规避法律法规和无视劳动法吗?硅谷真的相信自己的炒作吗?On this week's show we’re thinking about “The Rhetoric of Big Tech.”

On Jerks and Ethicists

Can studying moral philosophy make you more moral? Could it make you less moral? How do we become more virtuous? Or should we all just settle for moral mediocrity? These are some of the questions we’re thinking about on this week’s show, “The Ethical Jerk.”

Two Models of Hypocrisy

What’s goes on in the mind of a hypocrite, like "pro-life" congressman Tim Murphy, who had to resign when it was discovered he encouraged his mistress to have an abortion? Is he a craven liar? Or is there another psychological model that explains his hypocrisy?