
The Mathematics of Democracy

Shouldn’t everybody have an equal vote? Isn’t majority rule just an excuse to keep minorities down? Is a truly fair democracy even possible? And how do we decide what counts as fair in the first place? This week on Philosophy Talk, we’ll explore answers to these questions!

A Deep Dive into Democracy

America’s so-called democracy is under serious strain these days. Some fear that the system may soon be stressed to the breaking point. So we thought we’d start out the summer with a deeper look at Democracy in America.


Alain Badiou, one of France's premiere philosophers and public intellectuals, recently wrote a column inLe Monde评论法国大选在浏览了前四名候选人的特点和相对优势之后,他得出了一个具有讽刺意味的结论:没有理由去投票。

A Nietzschean Defense of Ben Carson
