Whodunit: The Language of Responsibility

Sunday, June 30, 2013
First Aired:
Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Is It

Who is responsible for the broken vase in the foyer? How harshly should criminals be punished for their crimes? Did Justin Timberlake mean to disrobe Janet Jackson during her infamous ‘wardrobe malfunction’? Cognitive scientists have recently discovered some surprising ways in which the language we use influences how we think about responsibility and agency. John and Ken are joined by Stanford psychologist Lera Boroditsky for a probing look at cross cultural variations in the language of responsibility. This program was recorded in front a live audience at the Marsh Theater in Berkeley, California.

Listening Notes

Did Dick Cheney "shoot his hunting partner," or did he "pull the trigger and then see his friend get wounded"? Live from the Marsh Theater in Berkeley, John and Ken discuss how language can affect the way we think about responsibility with Stanford psychology professor Lera Boroditsky. John and Ken begin by pondering the infamous case of Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction.” John argues that no matter how you describe what happened, it still happened in one way and, as such, we will assign responsibility uniformly. Disagreeing, Ken insists that how we linguistically frame the situation, in eitheragentiveorpassivelanguage, colors how we are inclined to assign blame to Timberlake. If language can shape thought, Ken continues, and different languages use different ways of speaking about the causes of events, then conceptions of responsibility could actually vary across speakers of different languages.


在回答一位听众关于我们应该如何理解代理的问题时,约翰简要地评论了长期以来关于自由意志的哲学辩论。此外,本书还探讨了赋予事物单一名称而不是用短语描述的力量。Ken, John和Lera都同意,对某件事有一个紧凑的参考会使它变得突出,并有助于在未来对那件事的一个现成的解释。最后,一名观众表示,仍然存在一些普世的思维方式,不受语言差异的影响,比如宗教。但Lera指出,即使是宗教,也在某种程度上进行了修改,使其与当地文化保持一致;我们说话的方式和我们思考的方式是密不可分的。

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 6:16): Reporter Caitlin Esch speaks with Hamish Sinclair, founder of Manalive, a program in Bay Area prisons designed to train offenders how to talk about violence and responsibility in a way that will allow them to peacefully integrate back into society.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(见49:15):伊恩·肖尔斯(Ian Schoales)滑稽地评论了追究责任的主观性质,涉及从克林顿到英国石油公司(BP)的所有问题。
