
Sunday, December 5, 2021
First Aired:
Sunday, May 5, 2019

What Is It

Many people profess to believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent God. Yet psychological data shows that people often think and reason about God in ways contrary to their professed religious beliefs. So are these so-called religious beliefs genuinely held? Or are “believers” just playing an elaborate game of pretense? Is there a difference between ordinary factual belief and religious belief? And what role do people's religious creedences play in shaping their social identities? Josh and Ken get real with Neil van Leeuwen from Georgia State University, author ofReligion as Make-Believe(forthcoming).



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, April 15, 2019 -- 10:35 AM

Just a few musings on the

Just a few musings on the matter of belief, generally. Belief is a bit like the opinion side of the old philosophical dualism, opinion and knowledge. (It might also be paired with 'appearance', in appearance and reality.) John Dewey had two short descriptions of belief: 1. "Hug some special belief and one fears knowledge" and, 2. "Beliefs are personal affairs; personal affairs are adventures; and, adventures are, if you please, shady."
Neuman's Corollaries are, 1. Belief is what someone said that someone said, in some other place and time. It may remain relevant, but I would not count on that. 2. Faith is for skydivers, bungee jumpers and kindred souls possessing only a dubious reverence for life; or those who feel they need it, just to get past another day (and are worse off than they thought).

杜威、詹姆斯、罗蒂和其他实用主义者在成为无神论者之前都是无神论者。对他们来说,宗教并不是团结在一起的东西(见:塞拉斯)。尽管如此,它已经存在了很长一段时间,并导致了好的和坏的行为行为,信仰和决定(人类存在的abcd)。布莱斯•帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)下了赌注,我必须严肃地怀疑,他的犹豫不决是否会给他带来任何好处——但我也有可能是错的。这不是所谓的“能知”——许多信仰强调上帝的不可知,这只是生活中不可言说的事实。我们实用主义者认为,这种“不可知”即使不是彻头彻尾的荒谬,也是令人不安的。但是,是的,我们可能错了……

fjwilson's picture


Wednesday, May 8, 2019 -- 9:27 PM

proselytize, which it would

Regarding whether belief is voluntary: Many religious people obviously think it is because they proselytize, which it would not be rational to do unless they believed that their targets could voluntarily change their beliefs. They are the experts regarding religion, so I guess it must be voluntary.


detail's picture


Tuesday, May 14, 2019 -- 7:46 AM

At least a religious belief

At least a religious belief is a claim that something does exist , hidden from our direct proof. What should be interesting is, if this belief itself can fit into a doxastic logic formulation. Doxastic logic is the abstract logic formulation of belief. Which of Raymond Smullyan's categorizations of believer is a believer in religion ?
The modest reasoner , the stable reasoner ,the timid ? We should use abstract logic to formulate this , aristotle told us that logic is directly connected to metaphysical questions as dialectics , in the book of topos. In todays philosophy this viewpoint is lesser emphasized as i could wish for.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, October 8, 2021 -- 6:21 AM

Inquiries into religious

Inquiries into religious belief are as perennial as crab grass. Even so, people either embrace it or they don't. Some who do are not as pious as they pretend to be. Others, who do not, may actually display compassion and humility more honestly and openly than their pious brothers and sisters. Some Humanists, for example. Religious belief is neither reason, nor excuse. It is a manner of looking at life and death. We can dissect, examine and parse to heart's content. Inquiry eventually uncovers something new.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, October 22, 2021 -- 7:08 PM

Religion may be a crutch, but


Most of the discussion seemed to revolve around the difference between factual belief and religious credence, with Neil’s ill-conceived juxtaposition of religious belief with make-believe. No devout believer will listen any further than that, despite the merits of the view. Those merits stake claim to inviolate philosophical and religious turf. Turf long since ceded by weak philosophers of religion.

Religion is needed for human happiness and flourishing. Everyone does it, atheists as well. Yeah, atheists!-time to pay the make-believe piper. Instead of factual belief, the show should have centered on the difference between make-believe and religious credence. This is where Neil and Ken quibbled but didn’t dig deeper. Here is a possible difference.

We engage in make-believe knowing that we will return to reality, and there will be little to no repercussions in our “real” lives. We engage in religious credence while entrenched in our real lives. As Neil said, there is no Lazy Christianity or Islam or other faith/practice. Our devotion may wax and wane, by lack of will, but always from our religious credence lazy boy. The cushioning is too forgiving ever to leave. Rarely even do we bother to complain. Atheists and theists alike are too comfortable in their credences to change the channel.

This is not to say make-believe can’t affect our “real” lives and identities. It can. One can watch Game of Thrones, take out their crossbow and shoot their father dead on the john. But when make-believe affects our lives like this (no patricide required – it is generally very subtle and small), at that point “belief in” has become “belief that.” Identity can come along for the ride or not. When fiction breeds fact, I argue that make-believe has transmuted into religious credence.



安·塔夫斯(Ann Taves)的《启示性事件》(Revelatory Events)看起来是一本值得一读的书,既及时又有先见之明。我们需要对现代宗教实践中的变革和启示之风保持敏感。在这里,我们将看到时代精神的变化,这种变化已经从自然(如果是人类起源的原因)中反映出来。

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Dwells's picture


Thursday, October 28, 2021 -- 6:11 PM

"We engage in make-believe

"We engage in make-believe knowing that we will return to reality, and there will be little to no repercussions in our “real” lives. We engage in religious credence while entrenched in our real lives." Tim, I think that real life = group membership with a shared opinion that keeps us from being all alone outsiders. For if we forsake the group and its beliefs, we also forsake the group benefits. In high school and church that meant closeness to the pretty ones.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, October 28, 2021 -- 7:53 PM

This is a good point.

This is a good point.


High School closeness, or lack of it, gives me the heebie-jeebies; The "pretty ones" is visceral, haunting and true to my experience if not for others.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, October 23, 2021 -- 3:29 PM

A better question may be: why


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 -- 4:45 PM

Why is there air? An early

Why is there air? An early Cosbyism. John Dewey had the temerity to write a book, purporting to explain How We Think. Epistemology at its' most elemental. His assessment of belief stands cogent in my mind. That there has been no more succinct or lucid explanation, is proof enough for me: beliefs=personal affairs=adventures=shady is about as tersely poignant as it gets. Dovetails nicely with Davidson's notion about propositional attitudes. Which is, in his parlance, what beliefs consist in. This is not so hard.

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Dwells's picture


Thursday, October 28, 2021 -- 3:56 PM

Belief, if done hard enough,


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, October 28, 2021 -- 4:08 PM

You said it. More directly;

You said it. More directly; more concisely than I. Are we right? Was Dewey? Davidson? I think so.

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Dwells's picture


Thursday, October 28, 2021 -- 5:50 PM



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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, January 8, 2022 -- 4:22 PM

In 2019, when I commented

2019年,当我在这里发表评论时,我还没有读过唐纳德·戴维森(Donald Davidson)。——不熟悉他关于命题态度的主张。自从了解了他提出的区别之后,我意识到这些立场(信仰、欲望、期望等)不过是一种建构——一种东方思想在几个世纪以来已经实现的顿悟。这些结构因文化、社会、历史等诸多原因而不同。那么,什么是宗教信仰?所有这些,还有一些。

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, January 17, 2022 -- 4:12 AM

Just for balance, if such is

Just for balance, if such is possible when considering the subject, maybe we could turn the question around, asking what religious belief is NOT. 1. Does it exemplify rational thinking? Not, on its' face: It asks adherents to accept, on faith, anecdotal stories, purporting to be something on the order of historical. Tales of improbable events, some told in conflicting accounts, 'according to' this or that saintly personage. Miracles. Things that defy explanation through evidentiary means. 2. Does it deny and/or refute science? It would seem so. That is, in light of certain facts. At those points in history when many (most?) religions emerged, there was little in the way of science. I won't count more modern cults or other belief systems---they are not religions in any sense we are here considering.
Having asserted that, it is clear that science, as we now have it, was barely out of the egg when religion was in its' prime. Any new kid on the block knows hard times. Science had no reliable references. 3. Are there sound reasonings for religious laws? Yes, in many cases religious laws are intended to shield adherents from harm and reduce transgression. One proscription comes to mind, however: the consumption of pork. How this came about is unclear, but it is reasonable to assume some harm was adduced for eating improperly cooked swine flesh. Science/medicine later figured this out.....( more later)...

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, January 17, 2022 -- 4:28 AM


Belief systems, of any stripe, entail what Davidson called propositional attitudes. For any belief system, religious or otherwise, to declare supremacy over others is propositional in the extreme.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 -- 6:48 AM

I thought a little more

I thought a little more deeply about religious belief and what it is not. Taking a combinatorial turn with what Dewey and Davidson said about belief. Here is what I got:

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 -- 8:40 AM

Religion is a social activity

Religion is a social activity though right?
If it is a propositional attitude it is a joint effort to some degree.
I'm not sure Davidson would go so far.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 -- 11:56 AM



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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 21, 2022 -- 5:35 AM

To Whom It May Interest:

To Whom It May Interest:
I capped off my participation in this discussion with a comment on Professor Taylor's post regarding smart people and why they still believe. It may not be THE last word, but it is mine.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, June 9, 2022 -- 6:56 AM

There is a blog I found by

There is a blog I found by accident. It features posts from schools, individuals, periodicals and philosophical associations. I won't steal space here for advertising, so you will need to find it for yourselves. Good luck!

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