
Sunday, February 14, 2021
First Aired:
Sunday, April 22, 2012

What Is It

关于爱,哲学家们(除了他们对智慧的爱)还有很多要告诉我们的,这似乎值得怀疑。在对爱的本质进行深刻的思考时,无疑是诗人占据了市场。约翰和肯将他们的注意力转移到爱的哲学上,他们质疑爱不能被理性的光芒捕获的观念,他们与来自基科大学的哲学家兼诗人特洛伊·乔利莫尔一起探讨了爱的哲学。Troy is the author ofLove’s Vision,as well as two collections of poems:At Lake Scugogand 2006'sTom Thomson in Purgatory该书获得了美国国家书评界奖。这个节目是在旧金山北部的米尔谷公共图书馆现场录制的。

Listening Notes

Many people have claimed (at least once) that they are in love, and it is a theme in countless books and songs. But what is love? Is it rational or irrational? John and Ken agree right off the bat that it’s a complicated concept. Troy Jollimore, philosophy professor, poet, and author ofLove’s Vision, is invited to the conversation to puzzle with them.


Next, Ken wonders how subject love is to reasons. He describes a few of the reasons why he loves his wife; she’s smart, beautiful, and cares about animals. But if those qualities are the reasons why he loves his wife, Ken wonders, then why wouldn’t he begin to love someone else who had more of the same qualities? And why don’t other people love his wife if they agree that his reasons are good ones? Troy calls these two scenarios the trading up problem and the universality problem. He insists that love is rational, but not in the coldly calculated, economic way of comparison that we usually associate with rationality. He categorizes love is a type of perception which is effected by perspective; to a degree, love is actually “blind,” but this does not mean that it is irrational, because all of Ken’s reasons for loving his wife are still good ones. Although Ken, John, and Troy mostly discuss reciprocal romantic love, they also touch upon friendship, the love a parent has for a child, unrequited love, and the case of arranged marriages.

The last audience comment wistfully compares love to a revolution. Both starts with an idea, come about because something is missing (either in one’s life or in the state of a country), and no two are the same. John finds this comparison apt, and Ken continues by commenting how love is special in that it allows one person to see another in their full, unique particularity. Troy agrees, proclaiming love to be the cure for solipsism.

  • Roving Philosophical Reporter(Seek to 6:10): In this segment, the audience is made privy to two highly personal, real life love stories. One is about love found through the ordeal of a life-threatening medical emergency, and the other is about love lost after a deadly robbery at gunpoint.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(见第48章36节):伊恩·肖尔斯(Ian Shoales)先是哀叹“除非你身在其中,否则爱情是无聊的”,他简要地描述了几个壮观的爱情故事,讲述了浪漫引发的怜悯和希腊罗马诸神的惩罚。然后,他开始回忆流行文化中一些最著名的夫妇。



Zoospec's picture


Friday, January 15, 2021 -- 12:39 PM

What is love?

What is love?

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, February 11, 2021 -- 10:44 PM

Love is human in the sense

Love is human in the sense discussed here. It has a context of time, place and community.



Love is not the end all. It is fickle. To love is to be vulnerable.

I don't know if solipsism is possible with love, but I think I have loved and I still have worries I am alone.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, February 28, 2021 -- 12:36 PM

Just trying to ketchup,

Just trying to ketchup, catsup, er catchup---yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Long absence from this delightful venue. Words and meanings are so, ambivalent ( rwo-sided): ambidextrous ( two handed); unilateral ( one-sided).Love,for example. The word does not mean much. If I say I love lobster
thermador, the expression means nothing. For two reasons: 1. I have never eaten the dish. 2. Loving food is irrelevant...the objective is avoidance of starvation,not some higher-order humanistic sort of transcendent experience .You can't have love without hate. Seems a paradox. A few thousand years of civilization affirm this. So...,is love meaningless? No. Do we really know what we are talking about when we talk about love? More-or-less, yes. Still, it is a paradox---triadox ---- quadradox. You choose.
Or, reject... we vocalize the doxical aspects--- to make each other feel better. And meet social expectations---something Davidson called propositional attitude. It does not pay the rent...does not foster world peace...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, March 7, 2021 -- 12:28 PM

I guess my understanding of

I guess my understanding of philosophy is all wrong. Love of wisdom? I have never thought so. Why? Well, wisdom is ephemeral. Subjective. More in the eye of the beholder. Like, uh, beauty. Maybe, just maybe, it depends on the meaning of sophistic, or, sophism. I once knew a man who hated sophism.

Seems to me, wisdom is much more ephemeral than knowledge. If love of knowledge is more about
philosophy than love of wisdom, then it seems Jack Baird did not know what he was talking about. So, what's it going to be? What is the difference among wisdom and knowledge? It is not, you see, a matter of 'between'. How many ways can there be? Aris-tot-tel; So-crates and Pla-too were primitives.
They muddled through, best they could. Giants? No. Pygmies... Those have always preceded giants.
Seems to me...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, March 7, 2021 -- 12:35 PM

Or, less philosophically,


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 19, 2021 -- 3:30 PM

There did not appear to be

There did not appear to be anywhere to add this comment, in current discussion. So, I'll put it here. Something about happiness. Finland. Another one of those Scandinavian countries: Number 1. In happiness. I have commented on conditions in Sweden---their social democracy---their level of content---and anything, everything else one might want to entertain. i don't need to speculate on happiness in Scandinavia. It is self-evident. I don't know about Alaska either. It is cold, I hear. It can be cold in Canada---I know. Happiness runs in a circular motion...
We have a newscaster here from Canada. He seems to have forgotten where he came from.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, March 22, 2021 -- 7:07 AM

As we go along in this life

随着我们在这一生中被赋予,很明显,我们的某些概念、想象和感知抗拒定义。关于真理的虚幻性,以及关于全体环境的概念,我在别的地方曾简短地谈过。在类似的意义上,在我看来,整体性也适用于我们所说的爱。爱体现了戴维森所谓的命题态度:信念;欲望;期望,等等。然而,关键或许在于信任,因为无论我们想象我们的爱有多强烈,它终究会破灭;分解;当我们失去信任时,它就会分崩离析,疲惫不堪。即使是父母的爱,我认为最强大的,如果信任被滥用和失去,可能也不会持久。 And, romantic love sours dramatically if trust is betrayed. Courtfoom television aptly demonstrates this, whether it is otherwise absurd or somehow believable. So, love is both simple and complex. As with so much of life.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, June 19, 2021 -- 5:56 AM

Like desire, belief,

Like desire, belief, expectation, ideology and several others,I think love is a propositional attitude, after Davidson, et. al. There is quid pro quo entailed. And, there is no such love as unconditional love, accordingly. Even among our domesticated animal friends, their love for us is conditioned on our kind and gentle treatment of them. If we change that treatment to cruelty, they wil fear us. Or worse.
This is how it works. Anything more profound is impossible.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 21, 2022 -- 12:14 PM

Further reflection led to the


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