The Strange World of Quantum Reality

Sunday, October 15, 2006
First Aired:
Tuesday, October 4, 2005

What Is It

Quantum mechanics is an astoundly successful, mathematically elegant, explanatorily deep, even beautiful scientific theory. Yet it reveals a truly puzzling world of micro-entities: entities that can be at two places at once, that can "travel" from here to the other side of Alpha Centauri in an instant without traversing the space in between, that behave like waves when unobserve but like particles when observed. Join John, Ken and their guest, Jenann Ismael as they try to make philosophical sense of the strange world of quantum reality.

Listening Notes

John and Ken begin the show by discussing some of the counterintuitive aspects of quantum physics. John says "Common sense drools, quantum physics rules."

Ken介绍Jennan Ismael。讨论收益。量子世界与经典世界有三个区别。(1)非定域性(2)非定域性(3)整体论。非决定论告诉我们,即使你知道非常小的粒子的当前状态和位置,你也无法根据现有的定律,确定地告诉我们,这些小粒子会在哪里,或者它们未来的状态会是什么。它的动量和位置是不确定的。非定域性是指你可以有一对相互作用的小粒子,然后分离到不同的地方。然而,通过与其中一个粒子相互作用,你可以影响另一个粒子,即使它们之间有相当大的距离。整体论否定了这样一种观点,即即使你知道组成一个复杂物体的量子的所有属性,但这个复杂物体有一些属性是你无法从量子的属性中推断出来的。

In classical physics, Newton thought that if we knew enough about an object at a time, we could predict its future states simply by applying our laws. Quantum physics marks a sharp rupture from the clockwork world of Newton. Our notions of space, time and position depend on our interactions with the world. These notions break down when we get down to the mathematics of quanta. So, Jennan suggests, maybe we should speak "quantum mechanicese" and not talk about position or time or other common sensical constructs. Jeff calls and says that quantum mechanics models are useful as long as they predict data and that there is all there is to it. Philosophers, on the other hand, ask questions such as "what is the world made of?" and seek answers to these metaphysical questions by studying quantum physics. If we are going to rely on quantum physics for answering metaphysical questions, Jeff's approach will give us problems.

Does quantum mechanics leave room for freedom and consciousness? The problem of free will got problematic after the birth of Newtonian physics, according to which future is predictable from initial states objects have. Quantum physics instead incorporates a sizable indeterminism. However, whether indeterminate, unpredictable motions of particles justify free will is an open question. If quantum physics is true, then people are as indeterministic as vacuum cleaners. How quantum physics contributes to free will debate is not very clear.

  • Roving Philosophical Report:Amy Standen interviews philosopher of science Michael Strevens. (4:16-7:36)



Eddie L's picture

Eddie L

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 -- 5:47 PM

Maybe it is dead for you,

Maybe it is dead for you, alive for me, and merely a matter of opinions, so whatever it is, it is subjective, and can be explained and showed…you must observe it to determine its state, so you see what you want to see. Neither is real, or rather, nothing is real.