The Scandalous Truth about Memoir

Sunday, May 29, 2022

What Is It

A memoir is a personal narrative written about a pivotal time in the author’s life. While the story is told from a particular perspective, the events recounted are supposed to be fact, not fiction. But what exactly counts as truth in memoir? Is the distinction between “literal truth” and “emotional truth” just a way of shirking responsibility for fabricating falsehoods? What other ethical responsibilities does the memoirist have—for example, when it comes to exposing other people’s secrets? And why should anyone read—or write—memoirs in the first place? Josh and Ray take a trip down memory lane with Helena de Bres from Wellesley College, author of《艺术真理:回忆录的哲学》



Josh Landy
What can memoir do that other genres can't?

Ray Briggs

Josh Landy
And when is it okay to reveal other people's secrets?


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, April 21, 2022 -- 4:45 AM

This is unexpected, and too

This is unexpected, and too quick for me, at least, to find this book and offer questions. Based on the premise, intent would seem to be the issue, along with a boatload of responsibility. It is a tangled web and sometimes beautiful thing.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, May 12, 2022 -- 9:07 AM

still working through this

still working through this book.

德布雷斯怎么看待查尔斯·布可夫斯基的笔名亨利·奇纳斯基的作品?布可夫斯基是我心目中的英雄,也是无可比拟的回忆录作者。I'm having issues with all the genre-wrenching going on, and I think we should remove all memoirs to the fiction rack and profit.

Why is it that drugs and sex pose the memoirist's most difficult questions?

Frey is a coward, Oprah is a fool, and Hank Chinaski is a mensch and an immoral fool which takes a swipe at Helena's pluralism and truth and beauty argument.


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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, May 13, 2022 -- 12:33 PM

OK... I just spent the

OK... I just spent the morning finishing this book... and I will finish my feedback even if it is too late in submitting questions to the author.


My question above still holds, even as I read through Helena’s take on Sal Paradise, the not mentioned but more common Jack Duluoz, and others through whom Jack Kerouac wrote his eponymous stream of memoiric writing.

In the ethical spectrum, I don’t see the room for memoir, except in those cases where an author has already created worlds of fiction from which to speak. As Helena so clearly lays out, the issues are too significant to excuse the simplicity. Knausgaard is a cad, and Bukowski has none of that baggage, though both are visceral. In Knausgaard’s defense, he doesn’t sugarcoat his responsibility as Bukowski does with alcohol, sex, and crudity. Notably, Charles was supposedly affected by the presence of women as he was in his writing.

Posing memoir in deniably thin veils of fiction while ensconced in morally rational grounds of discretion further pushes Helena’s explication of memoir as an art form. I’m not clear that a memoir can be done without some frets and regrets. If I were to try this, I would return here first to think this out.

This show was planned too quickly for me to think through the issues involved. Now that I have at least read this book, I’m intrigued.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, May 27, 2022 -- 3:53 PM

I just listened to the show

我只是听了一下这个节目,发现它没有帮助,同时又很准确。This is the inverse of the reality of memoir - which is helpful (why would it sell if not) and inaccurate (there is always some fuzz recasting the past.)

As unhelpful as the show might have been (there is barely one point that can't be counterpointed or advice that can't be excepted,) I would take issue, even as I agree in sentiment, with Josh's statement that calling a memoir fiction makes it OK. Some fictions are harmful, especially memoric fiction that tacitly feigns truth and overtly projects bias. He probably would retract that statement if pushed. Just what that fiction might be is dependent on the reader, I suppose. In any case, fiction is not the topic here.

The memoirist's unhelpful lack of complex rules reflects hard truths about life and experience. I'm not likely to write a memoir, but overall, I'm more likely to read them after listening to this show and reading Helena's work.

I was reading shows ahead and behind here. This show popped up and was refreshing in perspective, broad in content (touching on self, identity, ethics, morality, epistemology, and metaphysics,) and made me think. Josh has brought his focus on literature and philosophy to the show with good effect.

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Mark P's picture

Mark P

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 -- 8:04 PM

"Art of Memoir" by memoirist

"Art of Memoir" by memoirist Mary Karr also addresses these questions. I'll be interested in hearing this book's own take, comparing/contrasting the two. "Hears" important here, as I only listen to my books nowadays, and "Artful Truths" hasn't published its audio edition yet.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, May 14, 2022 -- 8:45 AM

Karr - Caveat Emptor

Karr - Caveat Emptor

“No one elected me the boss of memoir. I speak for no one but myself. Every writer worth her salt is sui generis. Memoirists’ methods—with regard to handling actual events, memory, research, dealing with family and other subjects, legal whatnot, voice, etc.—differ from mine as widely as their lives do. Where I’ve learned from others, I add it. But this is no compendium of popular approaches to the form.”

de Bres - Chapter 1




Helena uses Karr often to ground a point on practicality and moves on. Here she finishes a short discussion of Richard Rorty and subjectivity with Karr’s off-the-cuff sensibility.

回忆录作家玛丽·卡尔(Mary Karr)对文化中的反现实主义倾向做出了回应,她不耐烦地写道:“有人攻击了那个女人,或者没有。”这是二进制。” ’


‘ In response to Gornick’s question above about “whose business” the actuality behind her memoirs is, Mary Karr writes: “If I forked over a cover price for nonfiction, I consider it my business . . . inventing stuff breaks a contract with the reader.” ’

"The Art of Memoir" doesn't interest me as much as "Artful Truths", or "Liars Club" for that matter, but I would like to hear your take once you give both a listen. I'm no memoirist, which is my bias.

Listening to books is my favorite mode, but studying them requires reading. I’m reading fewer books and re-reading more. The first pass is always audio… if I can afford it. The budget is a budget, after all, for me at least. I don’t know if you’ve found this to be true, but I can play a book at 2x speed and read simultaneously. That forces a different experience. Not great for fiction, but oddly helpful with non-fiction I’ve already read.

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Mark P's picture

Mark P

Sunday, May 22, 2022 -- 12:27 PM

Thanks. That is very helpful.

Thanks. That is very helpful.

For me, listening allows efficiency via multitasking with otherwise mindless activities - workouts, chores, driving. The way I study a dense passage is by deep listening. I often re-listen to a section a dozen times before moving on. I'll re-listen to entire chapters multiple times. The biggest draw of audio for me though is that because I ingest so much information by reading, for work and other pragmatic reasons, recreational reading is no longer fun for me. And the amount of additional sedentary time it requires is more than I have in my time budget. Audio books made fiction fun again. It has also made me a better listener – to other people IRL.

我会听这一集。希望de Bris能出版这本书的音频版本。这样做越来越容易,没有理由不再这样做。

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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 7, 2022 -- 9:59 AM

The difficulty in limiting

限制哲学探究范围的困难在于没有现成的先验观。这样的领域预览将不得不基于假设,因此,仍然没有检查。然而,既然要进行,就必须先有一些前提,那么,就应当从被认作共有的共同的或普通的知性开始。回忆录通常被理解为一段作者参与的事件或一系列事件与各自时期的历史背景之间的联系的亲笔书写。而非虚构的文学分类,其准确性或不准确性不影响这一理解。作为作者和历史之间的联系,为了理解其中之一或两者,回忆录的概念包含了两个时间长度的比较,一个小的时间属于作者和一个大的时间属于历史。此外,不仅长度不同,速度也不同。历史的流逝是缓慢的,而回忆录中所描述的时间和事件则相对短暂,过得很快。因此,很明显,概念中包含的两个时间长度描述了时间类型,一个是混乱的、向前和向后行进的历史时间,另一个是相对集中的、单一轨迹的作者时间。这也意味着这种关系是不断变化的,因此构成这种关系的环节必须是可调整的。 The Memoir-link must therefore be a joint.



Logos, therefore, unlike language, is a preparation for a togetherness of what is scattered around. But the interesting thing here is that this preparation does not have the character of construction, of putting things together. As such it's not an arrangement. It bears more resemblance rather to a discovery, or of seeing something which is hidden in the scatteredness itself, not something about the things which are scattered. Obviously anything which can hide in scatteredness must be some variety of non-scatteredness, but by definition can't be a unity, since unity precludes scatteredness. This means though that the preparation for a non-scatteredness wants or tends to try and prepare for the things present to be one thing, or, said differently, it singularizes. To have them present at the time and not absent is the presupposition in the preparation. As non-scatteredness hides in the scatteredness on account of the singularizing which is listening and reading, it constitutes an indication that the non-scatteredness prepared for is in some capacity brought to the scatteredness instead of being found there. Only here, then, in what is brought to the scatteredness, can one speak of "unity", which is not found in nature and must be artificially generated as a supposition.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, June 6, 2022 -- 9:48 AM

Memoir is a bit of this; a

Memoir is a bit of this; a bit of that. Often, the truth lies (no pun) somewhere in the between. I wrote something once about the work I did and people i knew in that facet of 'world'. What I had to say was neither all fact, nor all fiction. having to do with workplace politics, wisdom of decision-making, chain-of-command chicanery and so on. Reality and truth, in such circumstances, are propositional matters. What one level of responsibility sees as either, falls upon deaf ears at the next upper echelon.
There are ' toadies' at all levels, therefore rightness of thinking and decision-making is arbitrary, whether true or right or nothing of the sort. Public service is largely a misnomer. One serves the upper levels of government. When the 'public' is served, that is happy coincidence.

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