The Rhetoric of Big Tech

Sunday, January 31, 2021

What Is It

大型科技公司以“颠覆”现有行业、改变我们生活的基本方面(从购物和送货到通信和交通)而闻名。虽然许多人欢迎这些变化,但也有人担心隐私、公平和放松管制。那么,科技公司是如何看待他们正在做的事情,以及如何为其辩护的呢?谁是他们的哲学来源,他们是否负责任地使用它们?新时代思维、安•兰德(Ayn Rand)、马丁•海德格尔(Martin Heidegger),甚至塞缪尔•贝克特(Samuel Beckett)在塑造大型科技公司的措辞方面发挥了什么作用?Josh and Ray debug the code with Adrian Daub from Stanford University, author ofWhat Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley.



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Ray Briggs

Josh Landy
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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 -- 5:30 AM

Was beginning to think I was

我开始觉得我是唯一一个还重视隐私的人。注意到这篇文章出现在你的拖车里。每天,似乎都有来自“社交媒体”的问题,以及利用社交媒体做各种合法、非法的事情的狂热者。这不是一个天真和没有经验的地方。最近,我简要地回答了你关于科学过度扩张的问题——参见我的评论/问题——。我认为SM的兴起可能会激起类似的情绪。当然,我们珍惜言论自由,一般来说是表达自由。尽管我们现在监管着几乎所有的事情,包括历史,但我想,我们是否应该更关注我们的自由应该走多远。至于越权的问题,很明显我们乐此不疲。我既看不出也不推荐一个解决方案:我们已经挖好了坑。 We may as well crawl into it...

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, March 5, 2021 -- 9:27 PM

Big Tech has legitimate

Big Tech has legitimate business models now and going forward. We need to find the solutions that compliment humanity and public welfare. Big Tech has a role in those solutions. Many companies speak to this role already.

We have yet to harvest the benefits of quantum computing, nanotech, biology, material science and artificial intelligence. Once that is done we can settle just what a human being is. Already we are pseudo cyborgs with our phones. I'm not sure ultimately where this ends. Ecological issues are more important for sure. Tomorrow is not going to be anything like today... and yesterday will be a faint memory.

I'm not sure what is best. Neither does Big Tech. Neither does Xi or Putin or Brin or Gates. There is no golden path here. Only human beings. Let's be kind, productive and as true to ourselves as we can. There are too many problems to overcome to blame any one entity.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, April 12, 2021 -- 5:54 AM

I think we agree on your

I think we agree on your final point. I have called the conundrum a totality of circumstances. And, I think there are many seeming marvelous developments which, in more or less time, come back to bite us in the butt. Unwitting overreach, as it might be characterized. More than once the argument has been proffered: are we to do things, just because we can? That's a pessimist's stance. Still, it appears to me that know-how often overrides the better angels of our narure, leaving us with metaphorical bullet holes in our feet. Just sayin'.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 -- 11:14 PM

Yes, I do think we agree on a

Yes, I do think we agree on a/the conundrum. I look at my fellow humans now, the next generation, and what is left of my elders and we are a different breed than in my youth. We don't think the same, act the same. We are changing. I'm hesitant to call foul when I don't see where the path is leading us. Best to you Harold.