
Sunday, February 13, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, August 27, 2017

What Is It

In most if not all modern Western societies, monogamy is the dominant form of romantic relationship. In polyamorous or "open" relationships, however, each person is free to love multiple partners at once. Just as our friendships are non-exclusive, advocates of polyamory believe our romantic relationship should be too. So why do so many people find polyamory distasteful, or even despicable? Is it immoral to love more than one person at a time? Or is our society's commitment to monogamy simply a fossil of tradition that could one day be obsolete? Ken and Ray share the love with Carrie Jenkins from the University of British Columbia, author ofWhat Love Is: And What It Could Be.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, August 9, 2017 -- 3:26 PM


So, where does this come from? I understand monogamy; polyandry; polygamy and queerness. Polyamory sounds like, what's the word? Libertine (-ness) ? Not very convincing. We used to say people were promiscuous if they were of that persuasion. Is this the new defense of that animalistic behavior? Sorry. I don't get it... I have a writers group meeting to enjoy now...

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Monday, August 14, 2017 -- 9:38 AM

Tune in to the show and see

Tune in to the show and see if you change your mind!

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, August 18, 2017 -- 8:01 AM


我试图登录评论即将播出的无政府秀(第一次播出是在2015年,当时我独自一人)。进不去,只好从这条路走。希望我的评论能被发表,我是这样说的:在这个人类时代的后期,在我看来,无政府状态的事情已经被有意或无意地尝试过,并且发现不足。我知道,这太老套了。但让我们从历史和逻辑上来看我的断言(如果这在我们的理性世界中是可能的)。在有政府之前,是无政府状态。快进到宗教的出现,镇压和谋杀仍然存在,但从人类残忍的泥潭中出现了一些秩序甚至文明的表象。无论你是支持还是反对宗教影响,它开始发挥某种程度(被迫)的人性,因此是未知的。复杂性开始抬头,甚至在教会的保留下,科学和技术出现了,并开始进一步改善人类的状况。现在,让我们假设无政府状态从前宗教和前科学时代一直到现在。 Where do we suppose we would be? Certainly not on the moon; and, probably not even in outer space. Maybe not even here. And that is succinctly my point. If we have no form of governance, we have little impetus towards self-restraint.

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Friday, August 18, 2017 -- 9:19 AM

Hi Harold,

Hi Harold,

There does indeed seem to be a problem with comments on that page. Someone is looking into it right now, so hopefully we'll get it fixed soon. Thanks for letting us know!


Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Friday, August 18, 2017 -- 10:27 AM



Loren Herrigstad's picture

Loren Herrigstad

Friday, September 1, 2017 -- 11:45 PM

Ian Shoales has it right

I always enjoy Ian Shoales' wrap-ups to the program. But this time, he had it right. After exploring so many complicated angles on human relationships, perhaps "bitter solitude" is in fact preferable.

Having once subscribed to the idea of soulmates, eventually settling for someone who was madly interested in me (for a moment, anyway), settling into marriage with that person only to be divorced by her four years later, followed by a rebound relationship, and a decade of solitude since — only at middle age do I now find myself coming to the conclusion that the urge toward romantic or intimate relationships in general seems to be driven by the biological imperative to reproduce. Once a person ages beyond that, at least I just wind up shaking my head, wondering what the whole thing or big deal was about in the first place — the having to possess a person, reveal ourselves to them, merge with them, always have them at home for us.


Ken Taylor's picture

Ken Taylor

Sunday, September 3, 2017 -- 11:58 AM

Solitude -- great idea

Loren Herrigsted:

I think we ought to do a show on solitude. I think it is an under appreciated thing -- especially in the age of constant connection and shallow Facebook friends.

What do you think? Wouldn't that be an interesting topic for an episode?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 -- 10:00 AM

follow-up comment for Ken

I second your remark concerning a show on solitude. It appears that few people know (or care) what that means. It also seems to me that privacy evokes little interest as an alternative to being constantly connected.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, December 21, 2019 -- 11:43 AM

The notion of polyamory takes

The notion of polyamory takes me back to relative childhood---I had not recently thought of or remembered the writings of Robert Rimmer: The Harrad Experiment and The Rebellion of Yale Marratt. Actually, the books belonged to my older brother and were not the sort of reading material I was suppose to have access to, at 6 and 1/2 years his junior. We humans do a lot of social experimentation, and sometimes those experiments evolve into customs, traditions and practices. There is no saying what or when we may be doing tomorrow. There is also, likewise, little that may be said about what may be scorned as depraved or praised as forward-thinking, fifty years into the near future. All one need do is look at where we were fifty years ago. It is clear: if you don't like what is happening now, just wait a bit. I won't be around. My grandchildren will. They will have the onerous task of figuring it all out. Grave new world, or the flood of inevitability?

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 22, 2019 -- 10:16 PM

Ray's blog is more tolerable


Polyamory is more complex and spotted than portrayed here. We got some inkling of that in the hierarchical vs. anarchic polyamory but that was elusive. The devil is in the details and for many people (given Ray's Blog data... most people) that is a straight-up truth. Polyamory is a moral, ethical and legal wrong. Certainly not the progressive, smart and modern choice presented by Carrie.


If the majority of polyamory occurs in the intellectual elite, and some point toward left leaning politic as well, it is equally indulged by other data that shows conservatives have more fantasy of multiple partners, not to mention more repressive over-lording subculture for right and the more base alike.

Here’s something not presented in the show or Ray’s blog: polyamory is a privileged behavior of the powerful and financial elite. That is true in history and its modern manifestation. There is no trend toward having multiple consensual partners that can’t be explained in economic excess. We are living in a time of unprecedented living standards.

Working class societies and primitive cultures in history and prehistory have strong and primal monogamous traditions and ethics. That deserves some thought. I can’t explain it exactly. In a strong polyamorous family wouldn’t that have economic benefit? Families are messy regardless perhaps and not the ends here to the polyamorous means.


Finally and most importantly, I have to see data on children… and I’m not offering up my own. I saw the recent documentary Wild Wild Country on Netflix, it was disturbing to say the least in it’s unspoken threat to children at that commune. Though it wasn’t universal and perhaps not an issue (I think it was), I don’t condone role modeling polyamory to kids at all. The whole idea of polyamory is one for mature, equal and consenting adults and no others. I’m uneasy with that kind of attitude, but I feel it strongly. Children need special liberty and protection. It is complicated but also fundamental to my thought around polyamory.


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, December 24, 2019 -- 11:33 AM

So... I read Carrie's book -

So... I read Carrie's book - What Love Is. I am changed, but not as much or even as Professor Jenkins would have me.

There's much more going on in this book than polyamory. The scope is broad in practical, ethical and meta-ethical argument. We are living in times of science that force philosophical retreat from matters of humanity and even morality. Overall I heed the need to live and let live. Consensual behavior is between those who do it, as long as, it does not limit potential in others.

詹金斯在某些地方把科学搞错了,他的观点没有根据。我会让她向伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)提出这个问题,她会去拜访他,带他去,然后离开,以一种“进步”的态度对待多角恋。目前,多角恋并不像我们自由思想和经济生活的象征那样进步。这可以改变,正在改变,但我不知道要改变到哪里。

Certainly there is no science to vindicate polyamory as there is for the growing awareness and sensitivity in and around gender studies. Neuroscience is not finding difference nor refuge for having multiple romantic or sexual partners. If there is a rise or fall in polyamory it will play out in social, cultural, mimetic and memetic spheres that transcend biology.

There is nothing wrong or evil in polyamory. That is repulsive. We need to be sensitive to polyamorists lives and choice (I don’t want to get side tracked here on choice and consent – I do not believe in free will and have fundamental issues around this with respect to consent.)

There may be wrong in role modeling polyamory for those who don’t attend to it’s value. This includes family, friends and especially children. I am particularly not changed in my thought around special liberty and protection for children. That current culture should needle it’s monogamy into the Lego of childhood is no call for equal rights in marketing, family structures or legal stricture.

Let’s just get along in the spirit of the season. To that, I can sign my name.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 -- 8:14 PM

I attended a talk by Carrie

I attended a talk by Carrie Jenkins last fall online, where I asked her what were unique challenges for polyamory if any.

She reiterated that, for the most part, the challenges are mainly similar to monogamous relationships but heightened by the same limitation of time and schedule.

More work same time sounds like a no-brainer, but I think it cuts to the point that polyamorous relationships are primarily exclusive to the elite, who can control their time and calendar. Not so someone holding down multiple jobs, parents, or part-time students.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, January 8, 2022 -- 7:33 AM

In so far as polyamory was

In so far as polyamory was likely to re-visit in the schema of the blog, I worked out another notion about it. Those Rimmer books, years ago. "Experimented" with the idea. I later dismissed it as human hedonism. Anyone may argue this from any stance they may choose. I call to attention the random practicality of genes. Not ours but those of other living things. While it is true that some creatures mate for life, this is not predominant. It is obvious many have life spans which limit reproductivity. Mating seasons take on orgiastic proportions while off-spring mortality challenges specie survival.

In modern human society, child-bearing is postponed, in lieu of personal development and economic stability.. Our primarily conscious co-habitants have no notion of such things. It is sometimes said that we do things because we can, not because we should. Your post on troubled history at least tacitly affirms this premise. Life extension is a fledgling avocation: pretty far from science, near as I can tell. Is it conceivable that reproduction into the geriatric years may be possible? Could (or would) we do that? Possibly. Should we? As the holographic image in I, ROBOT solemnly pronounced: that is the right question. Is polyamory necessary or desirable? Need and desire are both propositional attitudes. The assessment is yours to make...

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, January 23, 2022 -- 12:03 PM

In the midst of a grisly

In the midst of a grisly pandemic (which experts hope will morph into an endemic), I am anticipating the next installment on this subject. Thinking about the risks attending close contact with others, I shiver just a little at open relationships. Immunizations have no doubt saved lives---will save more, we hope. Yes, I am hopelessly traditional. But I am too old to change; too disinterested to care. So, we shall see what, if any, new epiphanies emerge in the February podcast. I must say, given the current totality of circumstances, that show interests me more than it would under less dire conditions.
My love to you, Ms. Maguire,

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