Philosophy of Science

Sunday, July 15, 2007
First Aired:
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What Is It

Is philosophy the queen of the sciences, with the job of synthesizing, interpreting and evaluating the results of the particular sciences? Or should we adopt John Locke's conception of philosophy as a handmaiden to science: clarifying concepts, definitions and assumptions? During the twentieth century the discipline of the philosophy of science emerged as a central part of philosophy. Ken and John discuss some of the leading ideas and projects involved in this branch of philosophy.

Listening Notes

Ken and John begin the show by discussing the interplay between philosophy and science.

Peter Godfrey-Smith, professor of philosophy at Harvard, joins the show. Godfrey-Smith tries to distinguish science and non-science. Almost all definitions of science capture either too much or too little. For instance, if science is anything that involves observation and empirical data, then it is too broad and almost everything counts as science. If it is the particular product of a specific culture, then it is too narrow. On Godfrey-Smith's view, science is a strategy for organizing our investigation of the world. An important component of science is data collection.

Physics had a breakthrough when it emphasized quantitative data in the 20th century. This isn't the only way science can work though. Darwin, for instance, had a very qualitative approach and his contribution wasn't mathematical at all.

陈述的内容能决定它是否科学吗?Godfrey-Smith argues that it isn't so much a statement per se but the content, or handling, of ideas determines what counts as science.

Karl Popper thought that falsifiability, the idea whether a statement can be falsified by empirical observation, is the criterion of science. Godfrey-Smith thinks that Popper gave a simplistic picture, although Popper was along the right lines. Ideas can be given a scientific treatment or a non-scientific treatment. An individual statement can't tell us much about whether an idea is scientific or not.


Science and philosophy share similarities in their methodology but the scopes of their questions differ. Whereas philosophy tackles huge, unwieldy questions, science tackles narrower, more empirically-amenable questions.


What are the effects of science on our lives and social structures? What other knowledge science entails besides scientific knowledge? Many people think that Darwin's ideas decisively refute religion. However, people still hold onto religion. Whereas religion is a source of hope and meaning, there is very little as meaning that evolution offers. People who choose to adhere religion accept a "package" of religious ideas. They can not reject some components of this "package" yet accept others. Godfrey-Smith explains that John Dewey's big project was to come up with a naturalistic package that people would pursue in the same way that they pursue religion.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 4:34): Polly Striker interviews Jim Grays, technical fellow at Microsoft Bay Area Research Center, a Buddhist monk and Robert Proctor, Stanford Historian of Science.
  • 60-Second- Philosopher(Seek to 49:19): Ian Shoales explores the scientific spirit of 17th Century.



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Thursday, March 26, 2020 -- 9:24 AM

Philosophy is the study of

哲学是对人类理性的研究,在现实概念中具有重要意义。换句话说,这是我们的基本认识所有这些认识都是关于什么是心灵的问题。在“未知”问题之前,我们是如何思考的,这超出了这项研究最重要的部分。首先,我们之所以这么问是因为这是一门科学实践正是我们对这些思想原则的可能定义。我们的许多主张都是在某些规则下对终极现实的探索。[A]认识论——我们哲学家的“知识”很可能是我们对推理思维的描述。大多数原因是造成可能出现的明显的真理差异。我们知道了概率,即使前提是不真实的,这也会考虑到效果。“存在”在整个预言中被习得,有时依赖于我们的自然选择。例如,所有的人类都会质疑,因为他们相信“不可证伪”的是那个思考自己的人。 If we knew more than we can be false either true we do not have a choice. [B] If we accept this statement "X exist" it affects between X and Y they have to be perfect it was not is that certainly. There are metaphorical falsifiability we may think even though all is known.Consequently, is an object of science "per se" everything is verifying it quite to think our criterion of philosophical theory. Most of our experiences is to describe the impossibilities as subject is human our non-scientific reason that can criticize. Through the use of natural light of our reason which does acknowledge the evidence the other are not scientific.How do we assure the equality of the standard in our reasons. This knowledge have explanatory acquisition what is certain they may require us of our personal relationship. Likewise; science, ethics, metaphysics, logic, physics is our rational concern of our integrity.If it established that 'ethics' is what constitutes the essential to "man's life" it can pursue to our individual goal's. Philosophy will always to begin of thinking is our consciousness and free will to ask 'I know' of beyond is the subtle that control the perceptions of the epistemological question. Because it includes his authority Aquinas of the identical reality to our subjective to the higher truth. Something that defined when we associate this in time contest our intellectual knowledge of existence.[C] above of the position is the thread of wisdom broad conflicts Plato “whether the intellectual principle is united to the body as its form”. If we are "Being" what is revealed true of our human reasonings.If we say we completely understand God of our natural capacities as we being of before study in physics are not just true for us. It's entirely our motivation as reasonable creatures through our reason not of the object itself. There can be no argument in the brain that each part of our lives is probably impossible. Who is our being? in our own can prove these consistent with the essences what's the "superior reality" which we notice in our mind. Metaphysics - It's among of the incomprehensible reality instantiating our logical consistencies example thereafter is uniquely. We can argue of the philosophical cause that we refer to as aspectual. If this were then perhaps it doesn't follow that they cannot be understood. The knower is exactly what it was before I maintain therefore is the God's existence there for you to ask further. For Aquinas, who is it that speaks what is important to the human issue at your conclusion what kind of philosophy you're trying to prove. Everyone of good reasoning is intelligent and knows about you but not to others.