
Sunday, November 21, 2021
First Aired:
Sunday, April 28, 2019

What Is It

在一个自由民主国家,个人应该有自由选择把钱捐给慈善机构。但是,普通个人的慈善捐赠和超级富豪的慈善捐赠之间有区别吗?富人捐赠时,谁的利益得到了满足?国家是否应该继续鼓励大型慈善事业,为富人大幅减税?还是应该更多地关注对极端财富征税?大型慈善事业正在破坏民主吗?Josh and Ken donate airtime to Stanford political scientist Rob Reich, author ofJust Giving:为什么慈善事业辜负了民主,如何做得更好。

Listening Notes

节目一开始,乔什和肯就慈善事业是由同情心还是自我驱动展开了辩论。肯相信,慈善是出于让世界变得更好的愿望,而且它有积极的影响——资助研究和建立机构,以及其他事情。另一方面,乔什认为慈善事业是精英阶层掩盖他们不择手段赚钱的一种方式。他认为,富人不应该因为“为了自己的虚荣心”而把钱花在纪念碑上,而应该对他们征收更多的税。Citizens, instead, should decide how the money is spent.

The hosts are joined by guest Rob Reich, political scientist at Stanford University and author of Just Giving: Why Philanthropy is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better. The thinkers discuss the issue of private donor influence on public services and how it undermines democracy. As an example, Ken points to the private police force that patrols Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood and is hired and paid for by the University of Chicago. Rob criticizes this use of private funds to direct a public service of the most basic sort and argues that these funds should be directed to the government instead. Josh questions the efficacy of shifting private funds to the government, asking whether we can be certain that the government will spend the money more wisely. Rob’s response is that while there is no guarantee, democracy is not meant to be a mechanism for maximally-effective public spending anyway. Its purpose instead, he claims, is to allow citizens to have a voice and to make progress over time. This ability can be limited, however, if funds are constrained by private donors and the strings that they might attach to their contributions.

In the final segment, the hosts and Rob discuss the future of philanthropy. Rob points to one potential instigator of change: a tax bill passed by Trump that allows only the wealthiest individuals to itemize their charitable contributions. This bill, he believes, will make it more apparent that charitable giving is a mechanism for the rich created by policy and may incentivize people to fight against philanthropy as a deterrent to their interests. Finally, the hosts discuss the implications of the perpetuity of foundations. Rob makes the case that foundations should have a time-limited existence so that the “dead hand of the donor” cannot control future generations.

  • Roving Philosophical Report (seek to 6:57)→Holly J. McDede仔细观察了关于是否接受精英捐赠的争论,这种争论从镀金时代一直持续到今天。她深入研究了萨克勒(Sackler)家族的案例,该家族拥有生产奥施康定(OxyContin)的公司,家族成员试图利用慈善事业来提高自己的社会影响力,并被视为艺术的赞助人,而不是阿片类药物危机的创造者。
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (seek to 45:57)→ Ian Shoales examines philanthropy’s role over time in sustaining art and culture.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, April 12, 2019 -- 10:41 AM

I made some remarks about

I made some remarks about philanthropy on an earlier post. The gist of those was something like: Philanthropy is another way for rich people to support their personal beliefs and ambitions, and look good while doing it. I am unimpressed with corporate philanthropy as well, because corporations want economic success and are not ethically averse to disingenuous or unethical ways of going about getting it. How 'things, in the broadest sense of the term, hang together, in the broadest sense of the term' is not so easy to determine when there is a lot of money and prestige at stake. It all gets pretty 'fuzzy'...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, April 20, 2019 -- 10:34 AM

I had an alternative thought

我有另一种想法(不,不是另一种事实——那是别人的主张;否认;反驳或只是嘲笑…)。问题是:慈善对民主有害吗?也许这个问题应该反过来问?民主,无论它可以或应该是什么,都不需要慈善家或他们的慷慨,以便公平地、根据某些构成和制度的事实和规则运作。如果我们看看支持政治利益的竞选捐款和其他种类的财政援助,民主理想和原则的拟人呈现出另一种不那么理想主义的色彩:我在2019年4月12日的评论中提到的一些东西。如果你愿意,可以这样想:更多基于金钱转手而不是一人一票的民主,很难与我们祖先所设想的民主相一致。或者,用多布斯先生的话说:钱能买到的最好的政府,并不是最好的政府,这句话现在已经不再具有历史意义了。我知道这与目前普遍接受的规范背道而驰。 But, there are only so many ways of looking at this. I'm just calling it the way it looks. No matter how one looks at it, philanthropy is getting a bad rap, and THIS democracy does not give a flip...

mirugai's picture


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 -- 3:53 PM

I completely agree, as I

I completely agree, as I usually do, with HGN. And when I don't agree, he prompts me to re-evaluate my own positions...this is called "doing philosophy." Here is a post I ran on philanthropy recently that still applies to this discussion.

Charitable Contributions

Walking with a friend the other day, we came upon graffiti on a wall: “Tax the Rich.” My friend said “amen.” I said “It’s not about how much to tax, it’s about what the taxes are going to be used for.” (Of course in a real democracy the people would probably have the right not just to vote on the tax rate, but to vote on government spending too. Congress seems paralyzed to handle these matters anyway.)
Charitable contributions? The government in theory gives a deduction for contributions for services and support that it should ideally provide. But the elaborate system set up to allow an organization to authorize the deductibility promotes huge salaries and perks for the organizers, and all kinds of bullshit that actually keeps significant funds from reaching the intended goals. US taxpayers should get a tax deduction for charitable giving to individuals in need that are not IRS designated charities. Do you know that the IRS trusts us to pay business expenses of $25 or less without the necessity for a receipt? Why not the same for charitable giving to people in need who are not 501c3’s? Or why not trust us for giving of $100 or less? Or $1000? I meet people, working people, all the time who are so broke that they can’t take care of basics. I help them out; but even though I am doing something I think any decent government would do for them, I cannot claim a tax deduction for my contribution. The system is set up to benefit the “charitable” organization, not the purported recipients of the donations. Try to find a public record of the salaries and perks of a charitable institution.

Anoelll's picture


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 -- 7:08 PM

: Once one puts money in a

: Once one puts money in a charitable foundation, there is a tax write off and the money no longer belongs to the person that set up the foundation. The money has to be given to valid charitable organizations. Trump treated his “charitable foundation” as his own personal slush fund. How widespread is such abuse where a person has a substantial tax deduction and then uses the money as his/her own?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, September 30, 2021 -- 2:20 PM

反思,没有. .They are,

反思,没有. .正如古尔德所言,它们是不重叠的教权。有人可能会说,民主促进了慈善事业。这是不对的。这个概念是没有效用的。或者,有些人可能会争论对方。但同样的消极也会出现。有钱的人可以做任何他们想做的事。做不到的人做不到。为什么,然后问这个问题? Just asking...Of course, in Gould's time, pragmatism meant something more than now.. Circles within wheels... Read Pollan's this is your mind,,,' skipped the section on caffeine. AOK.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, October 1, 2021 -- 12:51 PM

....contrariwise, is

....contrariwise, is democracy bad for philanthropy? It might be, except for the fact that capitalism does not wish any harm to befall it'$ cash cows., therefore, those who can afford to be philanthropic are given all sorts of tax breaks and incentives to encourage such largess. Even in countries, not pre-disposed towards capitalism as we know it, the crazy rich are given leeway. No, money talks and only the foolish in any stripe of governance are idiotic (or ignorant) enough to mess with that. Is there philanthropy among the wealthy under totalitarian regimes? You bet there is! And, they do not much mind lending (bad choice of word) monetary support to 'the party'. In return, they are left alone to make as much money as possible.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, October 2, 2021 -- 12:00 PM


Whether you are who I think you are is unimportant. Late on, I learned what mirugai meant.
Bye, for now...

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, October 14, 2021 -- 6:26 PM

Harold: Tim Smith ==

Harold: Tim Smith == Artificer Honoring God

I've read and agree to abide by the Community Guidelines
Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, October 16, 2021 -- 10:19 PM

First off, I didn't realize

First off, I didn't realize the gilded age history here, the impact of Anne-Robert Turgot, the liturgical and antidosis practice in Ancient Greece, or the effect of the Waqf on our everyday lives. Reich is not an expert of history, philosophy, or encyclopedist of philanthropy but clearly a scholar and easy-to-follow writer. The show and book have directed my thought to all these and now to our current political practice.

Though we all give percentage-wise similar amounts to charity, we don't share equally or with the same expectations. The interests of lower-class donations are piecemeal, and in general, less accounted for (or accredited), consist of voluntarism, and are aimed more at individuals and local communities. Wealthy interests are tax-wise, broader in scope, substantial, and tailored to prestige. It galls me to have wealthy donors given head of state status while at the same time I can not help but think my exasperation is a character flaw given the good these foundations and donations do. Reich gives me reasons to feel better about my intuitions.


We should have a flat 2% tax for every taxpayer who is sufficiently able to afford it (i.e., no one in poverty or near poverty status.) That money should be dedicated to a 501c3 or like organization of their choice as filed on their tax return. This could be a foundation or a church that would spend out the money in a defined window with accountability and return on past investment documented. This could be similar to the optional political donations that taxpayers already are offered.


Finally, I would propose a wealth or income tax globally similar to what Thomas Piketty has suggested. If one doesn't live on income - their wealth should be taxed. Not because it is a good idea, but rather because inequity is pretty much the problem, and solutions in any one state will have repercussions in others.

None of my ideas rise above that of Reich, of/to whom I am now aware and indebted.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, January 9, 2022 -- 5:47 AM

Looking back at comments on

回顾关于这个话题的评论,主要是我自己的评论,我得出了一个结论。或两个。1.在对核心问题发表看法之前,我没有像我可能认为的那样好好思考。的起源,你看。实际上,慈善事业依赖于资本主义。在生活富足的社会和经济体中,贫困人口相对较少。他们只是缺乏必要的资源和意愿来促成和支持慈善工作。2.这是否意味着强大、健全的资本主义对慈善事业至关重要? I heartily believe so and THAT belief is not propositional, near as I can tell. 3. Is there a mutual hunger from capitalism for philanthropy? I think it must be so. The flow of money and the health of economic wealth depends heavily on the prosperity of that 1%. 4. When the 1% does well, they feel good about tax write-offs. Those feelings contribute to philanthropic acts.: reduction of tax burdens are a strong incentive to give more to those who have less. So, there is, if one will, a mutual or saphrophytic benefit exchanged herewith. My high school biology/botany lies far behind this moment. Anyway, that is my reassessment, after further thought.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, January 16, 2022 -- 2:02 PM

Mirugai: speak to us, if you


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 -- 1:16 PM

My sources in another country

My sources in another country tell me troubling news. Much of the civil unrest there and agitation going with it is receiving funding from anonymous donors. This appears to be a sort of philanthropy, taken to an extreme. If we follow the money, it seems one objective could be government disruption
Drawing a further conclusion, one might say this looks like government overthrow...shooting an earlier assessment in the foot, and finding philanthropy culpable. Did this apparent snow-boulder begin with our own debacle a year ago? It seems naive to dismiss it as coincidence or resultant from the pandemic only. Keep your ears on and eyes open. Good night, and good luck.

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