Nonhuman Rights

Sunday, November 24, 2019
First Aired:
Sunday, May 28, 2017

What Is It

人权就像免受歧视和奴役一样,是每个人享有的基本权利和自由,仅仅因为他们是人。但是其他动物呢,比如猴子、大象和海豚?他们应该享有类似的基本权利吗?如果我们可以将人格的法律概念扩展到无生命的、抽象的物体,比如公司,那么我们不应该将其扩展到其他有知觉的生物吗?我们应该如何理解“人”的概念,当它应用到非人类的时候?非人类人格需要什么样的认知和情感复杂性?John and Ken extend rights to their human guest, Steven Wise, author of打破牢笼:为动物争取合法权利。

This episode was recorded before a live audience at Stanford University and isviewable on video.

Listening Notes

John and Ken first explore different definitions for what it means to be a person. John proposes that a person is a being with a conception of self, while Ken argues that a person is a being who has a capacity for pain and the ability to inflict pain on themselves. John wonders what it will take for society to recognize the rights of nonhuman persons, considering that it took the Civil War for the United States to recognize the rights of African Americans.

主持人欢迎非人权项目的领导人和创始人史蒂文·怀斯(Steven Wise)来到节目中。肯问怀斯他所说的“非人类”是什么意思。怀斯回应说,“一个人”的定义取决于法院。不过,怀斯个人认为,非人类动物也是人,因为它们会受苦,生活在社会群体中,拥有复杂的情感。除此之外,他认为监禁动物比监禁犯罪的人类更糟糕,因为动物不知道他们做了什么,却同样遭受痛苦。

Ken presses Wise on his definition of personhood: if humans can do moral wrong to animals, can’t animals do moral wrong to humans? Wise clarifies his stance on the rights of nonhuman animals, arguing that we should leave them alone. John questions whether it is still a violation of rights when we catch a bear who has been tearing trash apart at a campsite and put it in a cage to be transported away. To Wise, humans need to take responsibility for encroaching on bears’ habitats and, in turn, forcing them to seek additional sources of food. The discussion concludes with our hosts wondering why we believe that all humans have rights.

  • Roving Philosophical Reporter (Seek to 7:17):莉莎·维尔与灵长类动物学家弗朗茨·德·瓦尔聊天,了解到群居动物是如何情不自禁地产生同理心的。她还与神经学家安东尼奥·德马西奥(Antonio Demacio)讨论了情绪如何导致和控制我们的行为。

  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 45:08):Ian Shoales wonders what nonhuman rights would be like for animals like elephants who sometimes present in circuses or are butchered in the wild for their tusks.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, November 4, 2019 -- 12:04 PM

Animals, in their primary

动物,在它们的原始意识中,只是居住在地球上的其他生物。他们对人类意义上的权利没有任何概念。没错,它们有保护自己成员的利他动机,更重要的是保护自己的后代……目前还不清楚他们意识到这其中有多少,又有多少是反动的。生存是一种基因上的需要,尽管道金斯提出的“自私”基因根本不像我们所认识的自私那样自私。现在,动物作为生物是否具有固有的权利,取决于我们如何看待它。在我们中间有一些人拥护事业,而事业就像召唤它们的头脑一样丰富。毕竟,除了人类的崇拜者,动物没有其他的拥护者。因此,人类觉得有必要保护低等上帝的孩子。因此,我们来到了问题的关键——嗯,其中几个:1。我们认识到动物生命对人类生命的重要性。 We would be bereft of many benefits, possibly of the privilege of life itself, were it not for animal life generally. We don't think too much about plants, other than whether they are edible. Or poisonous. But animals are useful in many ways. 2. We have kinship with primary consciousness which is unattainable with non-sentient chlorophyll factories. Our sense of husbandry is as old as humanity itself. 3. We tend to think more of those life forms whose behaviors may mimic our own, and we feel good about how much compassion and empathy we exhibit towards them. So, for many of us, animals, their protection and sustainability are a cause, and we begin to talk about rights, as further justification for treating them like fellow citizens of the planet. Thinking, perhaps, that given time they will supersede our dominance by superseding our species. Pragmatism takes on a new meaning. And, after all, evolution is an ongoing process...
There are no animal rights, per se. Only those we say they can (or ought to) have.

RepoMan05's picture


Thursday, November 7, 2019 -- 1:59 PM

Well it's really just a

Well it's really just a theist aproach to justify original predation. In their sick little labyrinth of psychosis they believe in the original predation in the garden of Eden. Their justification is really just that animals are food and they themselves aren't animals. Nope, they're God's faithful servants on a mission to save some blah blah blah for God! But w/e. Gotta eat something... Why they can't like the idea of growing fish from a tree, I have no idea. Phobia of apples? "Not wise enough, blah blah blah, doom blah blah, the end of the world has to be managed blah blah."


Past and future get a little fuzzy. They got all this blather to explain their past not knowing it's verses to set a future and or deny that future as it suits their nepotism.

You can set it to happen faster but those delusional bastards will just troll it out longer till they can come up with a way to cash in on it before you can.

The racists think they're going to get seats in the federal fallout shelters because they paid in on building them. They dunno they're just mutts. The new imicrowave seats six.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 7:30 AM

Philosophy and Religion have

哲学和宗教有着密切的、相似的和完全不同的功能。我鼓励你,5号RM5,重新考虑在你的思想中给宗教贴上标签。It does not help your point here, in fact, it does great harm.

The British equivocation fallacy is interesting only to you and is another of your tropes. Here is a test that might help you and I (and perhaps everyone in the world) come to terms. Why does a search for this ==> "British equivocation fallacy" amount largely to this ! "British equivocation fallacy" in DuckDuckGo. What is different about this these two results. What are you doing RM5?

It is OK to be eccentric, to find singular terms and define them. It is not OK to dump them in random posts and place onus on readers to fact check them. There is considerable work to be done just doing this for our elected (or in most cases appointed) officials.

The Philosophical cannon is inadequate, misogynist and looks a bit too much toward Socrates for my taste. But at least these ideas are common.


When you use these terms here... you hurt Philosophy and humanity itself. I can insult you if you want that, if that is the language that you find parlay. But please don't insult me or this site by impugning or condescending Religion or those who find shelter there.
I would say more ... but I have more of your rants below to reply... let me go there and see what you have to say there.

RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 10:09 AM

But my thoughts dont seem

But my thoughts dont seem harmed, as much as im sure youd like to draw a clear distinction between religion and philosophy, you havent actualy done that here. Both are purely subjectivity. However, im not standing by your assertions of my points, in the first place.

Trope? It's an original philisophical position. I know, judging by your simplistic scoff, original thought is difficult for you to encompass but you havent done anything to discredit my point. You know it's an indisputable point and so you are forced to use deflections so you can maintain your intransigent bias appeasement style of non-thinking.



As you point out, insulting a religion, is a religious stance in and of itself. How you say it harms anyone, is a claim i demand you explain before i would consider your habitual misinterpretations any further.

No matter how holy someone claims their book fanclub is, no one is harmed by insulting a book or the practice of making fandom. It might make you consider if you'd member of that fanclub. I mean, if you werent habitualy intransigent or something like that.

Your rhetorical manuverings really have no place amongst original thinkers, you should take your own advice and just excuse yourself from it before you habitualy choose to be harmed any further.

Bye, let ji-zeus guide you.

RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 5:47 PM

What you're really saying

What you're really saying here is that you weren't persuaded. Not my problem. I didnt write a persuasive in the first place. I wrote a non-classic philisophical position.

Its important not to step into things when you should already know you're basing counterpoint on incorrect assertions.


Between an insult and a zero sum game, which can you readily take as honest?

How can you demonify honesty without remembering what kind of shameless slime does that sort of thing?

You've neither dignity nor soul.

I could never even pretend to pitty something like you.

我们说好的。Now either die from all the heroin i got for you as we agreed, or die from being completley cut off from it, Mr.Nambla.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 1, 2019 -- 9:58 PM




RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 12:50 PM

There will always be


If you need proof for something as self evident as "race" being british, what language dictionary are you looking in?



More riddles....

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 2:41 AM

理解RM5……that is



RepoMan05's picture


Thursday, November 7, 2019 -- 2:31 AM

Theism and science aren't


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 7:32 AM

There are some good shows on


RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 10:13 AM

Whether or not it makes for a


Side note, an intended insult is at least honest.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 1, 2019 -- 9:54 PM

Who is Georges Lemaître or

Who is Georges Lemaître or Gregor Mendel? Even today religious scientists persist... the Dalai Lama is a great advocate of science.

I appreciate your honesty. If insults are any measure... you are very honest.

RepoMan05's picture


Thursday, November 7, 2019 -- 3:27 PM

Why so few consider on their

Why so few consider on their own how arrogant and counter productive it is to codify, a riddle that will never be solved.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 7:43 AM

RM5... what does codify mean

RM5... what does codify mean to you? if you could express that.. I think I might be able to point out exactly where this codification is, in fact, happening.


RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 10:15 AM

Im not sure what you're


RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 10:34 AM

Its a riddle that can never

Its a riddle that can never be solved reguardless of misconstrued conditions of "hope."

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 1, 2019 -- 9:49 PM



RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 11:26 AM



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 3:05 AM

As you have implied in


I would encourage you to think about what codify means to you. Something about it hurts you in your writing here. It might haunt you in your mind. Think about it. Understanding this word will liberate your mind. But it won't get you rights. Those are afforded for entirely different and fundamental reasons.

RepoMan05's picture


Sunday, November 10, 2019 -- 4:38 PM

The problem with making a

The problem with making a list of animal rights is that it always has to be kept at a lower standard than Human Rights. Is this because we have to value humans higher than animals or is it so we don't have to run into the problem of having to revise Human Rights to fit animal rights? All animals with a penis/vagina reproductive dynamic reproduce in a rapey manner. You can't tell a lioness not to harass a male lion until he's ready to rape her. It's what she's made to do. It's what he's made to do. It's what we're all made to do. Believe it or don't. Truth exists independently of you and your beliefs.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 8:25 AM

Rape is a human invention

Rape is a human invention with primate undertones. Please don't indulge this sick fantasy. No human is made to rape. This is a very broken idea that needs call out even from psychotic sources.

RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 5:36 PM

"Rape is a human invention

"Rape is a human invention with primate undertones. "

这是一个完全不准确的评估。只有同性恋强奸(娈童)是带有罗马色彩的人类发明。这种行为在今天的罗马天主教徒和监狱文化中最为常见。Both of which are typical for being inhumanoids by ambition and living in morbidly unnatural environments as consequence.

Every animal on earth with a dick and vagina reproductive system is found engaging in nonconsensual and/or sexually violent behaviours. I demand you find one single organism with dick and vagina phenotypical dimorphism that dosen't. Your claim is so incomprehensibly verifiably false i could never consider you ever had a shred of dignity in the first place if you do not: try, inevitably fail, and then admit your unfathomable ignorence and arrogance. If you manage to find even one, i'll cite you 5 organisms without dick/vagina dimorphism that still use rape; and then I'll happily dismiss myself from this site as I have too much dignity to share space with anything as intentionally stupid and up it's own rectory as whatever roman eunuch fanclub that spawned something like you.



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 3:50 AM

You may dismiss yourself

You may dismiss yourself whenever you please. But you don't. Why? You have a lot to say... and I would hear it. Better yet, I would understand it.

Why so touchy about rape? Do you know what it is like for an animal to feel? You can't unless you can talk to them... and animals don't talk except for human animals... do they? Primates are the most like humans and female primates, in general, have the worst of it, but in Bonobos not so much... why is that?

Should we extend rights to primates if they are so like us? Does a male Bonobo rape a female Bonobo with the rapaciousness of that of a Chimpanzee or Gorilla, or a human inmate? Bonobo sex is very different than other primates... why is that RM5? Rights can not be extended to non humans because of similarities to human behavior or anatomy. But I would say primates, elephants, dolphins and the octopus should have rights extended. Not because of their vaginas, however, or lack of them.



RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 12:46 PM

"Why so touchy about rape?"

"Why so touchy about rape?"

Wow. Right off the bat with an Intentionally loaded question fallacy. I can't think you're interested in communication now; not as much as that you must be furthering some religious machination or another. Im reducing my interest in your rebuttal post to a 'lite-scanning' and with next to zero worry of whether or not i might misunderstand it, in-part or in-whole.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 3:11 AM

Rape is only one of many

Rape is only one of many activities that humans do differently than animals. None of them would establish non humans as rights worthy if they were to follow suit. Something about rape makes you passionate. If that is a "question fallacy" (which is different from a fallacy... how?) that would be something you have to own.

RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 1:13 PM

By the looks of it, you


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 4:04 AM

I have given you examples but




Bonobos are the most interesting creatures. Sex to bonobos is a different kind of behavior. Rape is very rare if ever there in a bonobos world. Here is a link that might be of interest to you, but you can search out your own.



Anthropomorphizing animals is the greatest harm that can be done on animals and creation in general. RM5, you do this when you say animals rape. They do not. If they did... I would argue we should take away their rights.


RepoMan05's picture


Monday, November 11, 2019 -- 10:38 PM

It may be a good time to


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 8:38 AM

Aught does not imply naught.

Aught does not imply naught. If it did you could justify anything. Let's stand for something and allow that nut to grow.

RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 12:14 PM

But you CAN justify anything.

But you CAN justify anything. So....

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 1, 2019 -- 9:44 PM

You have said yourself there



RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 11:34 AM

I made no statment in


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 4:01 AM

There is a fallacy here.

There is a fallacy here. What is it?

From your comment below... did Capone take away your rights?

Take them back RM5.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, November 29, 2019 -- 10:20 PM


这是一个好节目。约翰·佩里在我的生活和我们的世界中是一个非常重要的人。我以前说过,但这永远都不够。在我与他的一次交流中,他为我的无知抹平了阴影,轻轻忽略了我的存在。我被羞辱。但我并没有失去人性。我时不时关注这个网站(主要是在假期期间,工作让位于家庭),我看到过质疑全人类的帖子。Though classifying this age as the Anthropocene is unfortunate it pales in comparison either to damning humanity for non humans' sake or to extending rights to any non human creature.

We all come from common stock. Not all of us deserve rights greater than others.

If you will... look at this current viral - safe for work - you tube (note, buyer beware, it has one image of sodomy that I would address in the spirit it is offered.) phone link desktop link


Non human is simply that... non human. As soon as we figure out what that means we might actually make some headway on this issue. Some very great scientists are doing just that.

Word...Frans de Waal is not one of these very great scientists, great scientist though he is. Damasio is another scientist that I look askance at but neither Damasio nor de Waal are my scientific equals. They are my superiors. Science >> Philosophy ... every time. A philosopher wouldn't have it any other way.


Non human thought and consciousness is nothing like the thought expressed in the link I shared. Much of that link concerned itself with non human feelings and emotion. These feelings, we will never know them. The only way to know how someone is feeling is to ask them. Even then it's pulling teeth. That is why people are encouraged, so often, to use "I" language in relationships and testimonials. Non humans don't share language (with rare exceptions - one if which I would share, because it was so fundamental to my worldview, but this is already too long.) We can't ask dogs or cats how they are feeling. Scientists are suggesting quantitative models of animal consciousness. Even plants and fungi can be conscious under some of these models.

Pet lovers and primatologists are quick to anthropomorphize their pets/subjects. Everyone is. It is intuitive to see faces in random dots or rock formations. It is especially easy when primate biology is so close to that of human. This is dangerous when it comes to thought, feeling and consciousness. Non human is not necessarily like human. Convergent behavior is clear in the working of very different avian and human brains. Not all consciousness is driven by cortical engagement. Just as emotion is not all subcortical and shared in evolutionary branchings.

Sure, it's easy, it's even funny. If you didn't already... hit those links now. But remember, no matter how human like a capuchin monkey may seem, they are likely very different than humans with respect to ideas of fairness, justice and world view.

Alright. I blathered for too long. I'm sorry. Non human rights... how does this blathering help us to resolve this question? I don't know. None of us do. If we did it would be science that helped us get there. Science is doing that wrt consciousness. Early signs point toward a much wider scope than the Anthropocene human centered age has led us to this point. We need to expand our concepts of master and slave, competition and cooperation and any notion of human minds as central to the construction of the universe. Wheat and now corn are perhaps best thought our new masters. Machines are already out competeing our file clerks and soon to do so for our truck drivers. The human mind itself is certainly not the best model of thought. In times of massive despeciation like the one we are living in now it would be best to cast these rights as far and wide as possible. We don't know what will ultimately win the day. Not extending these rights all the way out to plants seems as foolhardy as the Dodo giving up the option of flight.

Note I responded to the blog post as well... with a slightly different take.


RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 10:19 AM

This all looks much too

This all looks much too delicate and i dont bother myself with innane sophistry.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, December 1, 2019 -- 9:45 PM



RepoMan05's picture


Saturday, November 30, 2019 -- 3:57 PM

"Rape is a human invention


RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 2:39 PM

What could it possibly be


Im disgusted that it had to be so obvious before you'd even hear my question.


When you finish building the border wall. Put computer ai guided laser turrets on top of it.

No topic should ever be denied public discussion on the basis that the subject matter is so disgusting that it can avoid being accurately discussed in public; least of all of these, roman catholics fan clubs.(especialy them since they're habitually in the habit of that sht throughout history(not that you'd even know it(supporting citation.)))

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 4:30 AM



I have spent time and thought about pederasty with you in the blog post on this same topic here...


...only to have them removed by wise and perhaps prudent moderation. Here at Philosophy Talk we don't insult each other's intelligence, and we keep topics safe for all to discuss. That doesn't mean we don't talk about vile, evil or disgusting topics... we do. You can say anything... let's just keep it safe.

Hmm... I think I might have codified there a bit. I didn't mean to do that.

At Philosopher's Corner or here at Philosophy Talk... we do not codify anything. We philosophize. It is fun, but it takes time and thought.

But there are some great stores of thought here to listen to or read along with the posters. Outside of that there are three great codification resources (if I understand your use of that term) which you can use as well.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ==>
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ==>
Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project ==>

If you want codification (again in the sense of the term as you are using it) go there. Otherwise enjoy the "fan club" as you say. I'm not a fan of your posts like the one above if only because they don't bear directly on the point expressed in the show.


RepoMan05's picture


Monday, December 2, 2019 -- 3:08 PM

Side note, the origin of my

Side note, the origin of my point that the problem of recognising animal rights means youd have to revaluate human rights, came from a roman catholic misandrist heroin pusher on the catholic backed west highschool school board in madison wisconsin by the original last name Capone.(who was also very racist and pushing an athletic program involving raising children on growth hormones (early 1980s.) She's in the cia now last time i checked (mid 1990s(clinton administration)). Can we say "fked" here? Because thats what we are if you dont wise the fk up.)


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 3:58 AM

We are as you say, but not


RM5 take some action. Don't attach yourself to any party or person. Think for yourself here.
