Islamic Philosophy

Sunday, July 12, 2009
First Aired:
Sunday, November 18, 2007

What Is It

伊斯兰哲学中讨论的许多话题包括古兰经、知识、梦想、正义、诗歌、现实、先知、和平和国家。伊斯兰哲学在历史上是如何与其他哲学传统相互作用的?哲学如何影响了伊斯兰教的流行实践和解释?伊斯兰哲学何时与伊斯兰教的宗教教义融合或冲突?John and Ken are joined by Mashhad Al-Allaf, Imam Khattab Chair of Islamic Studies at the University of Toledo and Author ofThe Essential Ideas of Islamic PhilosophyandThe Essence of Islamic Philosophy.

Listening Notes

Before diving into the discussion, John notes that Islamic Philosophy is philosophy developed under Muslim rule, not the philosophy of Islam. In other words, Islamic philosophy is a counterpart to Western philosophy, not Christian philosophy. With this clarification out of the way, Ken and John turn to guest Mashad Al-Allaf and begin exploring the effect of Islamic philosophy on Western philosophy.

Baghdad was a hotbed for Islamic philosophy in the 11th century, and during this time that Plato and Aristotle’s works were translated from Greek to Arabic. John asks Al-Allaf about the initial reaction of Islamic philosophers to Greek philosophies, what problems coalesced while Islamic philosophers were making sense of Plato and Aristotle?


Next, Ken John and Al-Allaf examine the connections between Al-Ghazili, a key figure in Islamic philosophy, and two western figures: Aristotle and Hume. Al–Ghazli, made several critical attacks on Aristotle, challenging his idea that God only recognizes universals—such as ‘Human’—and not individual people, which contradicts Islamic teaching that God knows everything. He also challenged Aristotle’s belief that the universe is infinite, because if God created the universe than God is infinite and the universe must be finite. John notes that Christian philosophers felt compelled to combat Aristotle on these very same issues.



  • Roving Philosophical Report(seek to 3:57) Polly Stryker speaks to UCLA professor of Islamic and Iranian studies Hossein Ziai about the Academy of Philosophy in Baghdad.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(seek to 48: 24) Ian Shoales whips through the history of Islamic philosophy.
