
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
First Aired:
Tuesday, May 3, 2005

What Is It

Justice is a virtue and so, many claim, is forgiveness. But they seem inconsistent. Is forgiveness really a virtue? Philosopher Charles Griswold discusses the South African reconciliation process, truly evil people, and the virtue of forgiveness.

Listening Notes

What is forgiving? John thinks that it isn't the same as excusing someone. It is not condoning an action either. Ken says that it is only right to forgive someone if you hold them responsible and you are releasing them from something. Who is forgiveness good for? Lots of people think it is primarily beneficial for the forgiver. Ken introduces the guest, Charles Griswold, professor at Boston University.

约翰问宽恕是为了谁,宽恕需要什么。格里斯沃尔德说宽恕是有一定条件的。格里斯沃尔德描述了宽恕过程的重要部分。格里斯沃尔德的观点要求被宽恕者忏悔。约翰说关于宽恕还有其他的概念,其中一种观点认为宽恕只涉及宽恕自己的人。当一方认为没有做错什么时,这是宽恕吗?肯指出,宽恕是不能强求的。我们需要宽恕吗?宽恕为我做了什么?它对人际关系有什么作用? Griswold thinks it alleviates guilt for the forgiven and allows the forgiver to let go of moral hatred. Griswold emphasizes that it does not require for the parties involved to reconcile. Can you forgive yourself? Griswold thinks you can, but it is different from standard forgiveness between people.


  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 04:45): Amy Standen interviews Katy Hutchison, a woman who met and forgave her husband's murderer. Hutchison's story can be found onher website, and at theForgiveness Project, a UK organization which promotes forgiveness and conflict resolution worldwide. Hutchison is the author of Walking After Midnight, due out from Raincoast Publishing in Fall, 2006.
