Driverless Cars at the Moral Crossroads

Sunday, December 8, 2019
First Aired:
Sunday, July 30, 2017

What Is It

Autonomous vehicles are quickly emerging as the next innovation that will change society in radical ways. Champions of this new technology say that driverless cars, which are programed to obey the law and avoid collisions, will be safer than human controlled vehicles. But how do we program these vehicles to act ethically? Should we trust computer programmers to determine the most ethical response to all possible scenarios the vehicle might encounter? And who should be held responsible for the bad − potentially lethaldecisions these cars make? Our hosts take the wheel with Harvard psychologist Joshua Greene, author of "Our Driverless Dilemma: When Should Your Car be Willing to Kill You?"

Recorded live at Cubberley Auditorium on the Stanford campus with support from theSymbolic Systems Programand theMcCoy Center for Ethics in Society.

Listening Notes

Live from Cubberley Auditorium at Stanford University, Ken and Laura Maguire, Philosophy Talk director of research, discuss a familiar topic: bad drivers. Between drinking, texting, and standard human error, driving is one of the most dangerous responsibilities that humans are entrusted with every day. But could the dawn of driverless cars controlled by computer algorithms change everything? Sure, computers may be safer drivers than humans on average, but can they care about human life the same way that people can?

哈佛大学心理学教授约书亚·格林(Joshua Greene)加入了肯和劳拉的讨论,讨论无人驾驶汽车的出现带来的道德困境。乔什承认,人们很难接受把自己的决策能力交给电脑,但他解释说,电脑驾驶最终会带来一个更安全的世界。尽管如此,对“机械化道德”的警告还是有道理的——我们能相信计算机做出道德上令人担忧的决定吗?Josh解释说,从神经科学的角度来看,道德决定就像其他任何决定一样,意味着它们可以被编入计算机算法,就像命令计算机向左或向右一样容易。


  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 8:13):莉莎·维尔参观了斯坦福大学的一个自动驾驶研究实验室,看看他们是如何应对自动驾驶汽车带来的技术和道德挑战的。虽然路上所有的汽车都是自动驾驶可能还需要50年,但汽车的自动化程度已经大大提高了。
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 45:55):伊恩·肖尔斯质疑人们是否应该想要无人驾驶汽车。他指出,无人驾驶汽车的广泛应用可能会在交通、残疾、公共交通和司机就业市场等方面引发各种不可预见的后果。



Gerald Fnord's picture

Gerald Fnord

Sunday, July 30, 2017 -- 10:57 AM

Driverless cars: my will be done

As a moral being and, significantly, one who privileges ratiocination over passion and reflex, I should actively _prefer_ that a car with much faster reaction times and otherwise capable of driving much better than I can would implement my moral decisions than I. I would otherwise risk momentary weakness of the body or spirit's interference with the judgements I would make were I _not_ about to crash…and, preferably, when I'm not in a misanthropic mood.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, December 5, 2019 -- 10:12 AM

In 2017 I was not too worried
