Disinformation and the Future of Democracy

Sunday, May 9, 2021

What Is It

2020年美国大选以及随后发生的惊人事件表明,美国的两极分化一如既往。不仅在价值观和目标上存在根本分歧,而且人们似乎无法就最基本、最容易验证的事实达成一致,比如谁真正赢了。如此多的人似乎生活在另一个现实中,我们如何继续共同的民主事业?我们应该对那些与真理严重脱节的同胞采取家长式的政策吗?我们目前的困境是否表明自由民主计划正在失败?Ray and guest co-host (emeritus) John Perry stay informed about their guest, attorney and political analyst Dean Johnson, co-host of KALW'sYour Legal Rights.

Listening Notes


哲学家们欢迎政治分析人士兼刑事辩护律师迪恩·约翰逊(Dean Johnson)来到节目中。雷要求了解目前令人特别担忧的虚假信息来源,对此,迪安描述了宣传的深度和广度如何使它比过去更令人担忧。此外,虚假信息通过社交媒体和越来越多的新技术传播。约翰想知道这种新的宣传形式是否会使它对民主构成更大的威胁,迪恩解释说,这种危险来自于信息消费频率的增加。人们不仅消费更多的虚假信息,而且他们对事实的解释也受到现有意识形态的影响。


  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 4:25) →Holly J. McDede looks at the effects of a controversial website that filled the news and information void in Stockton, California.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher (Seek to 45:25) →Ian Shoales looks at the end of the Trump era, wokeness, and conservatism.



Ray Briggs

John Perry


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, March 6, 2021 -- 12:31 PM


They appear not to care, so long as they can prevail. We the people do not know what to make of it.
If there is no improvement, sadly, our democracy is finished. Rome, it is said, was not built in a day.
It did not fall in a day either. The parallels are telling.

Daniel's picture


Friday, March 26, 2021 -- 4:30 PM

So where does that leave the


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, April 3, 2021 -- 8:48 AM

Good questions all. I think

Good questions all. I think me unqualified to answer them. But there is something else which has been nagging at my consciousness for maybe twenty five years. I have noticed an erosion of sorts: the steady replacement of matters of substance with matters of form. I contend this is largely to blame for the increasing divisions we witness. Form is mostly about compliance with insructions, edicts, proclamations and the like. It tends to diminish substantial importance, in favor of conformity. I suspect others have seen this. We cannot all have blinders on, can we? Yes, I am a remnant of counter-cultural upheaval. I also remember more free-thinking times, when some of us had the audacity to look for what really mattered.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, April 3, 2021 -- 2:23 PM

Move my last comments

Move my last comments anywhere you wish. Tell me what you find.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 -- 6:13 AM

Have had some recent email

Have had some recent email exchanges with my brother in another country. He is the only surviving blood relative whom I have contact with. We talk about how we grew up, how those,years formed our world views about things; and how different the world is now. We are mostly agreed on notions of democracy: it is just about of bullets. After shooting itself, repeatedly, in the feet. Conflicting ideologies, all espousing the heart and soul of we the people, stumble and fumble;bicker and banter, a lot like religious fanatics, pontificating the 'one true path'. Older brother and I are pretty comfortable in our own skins, so we don't,spend too much time agonizing over others who may not be as well-situated. Seems to me (and, I think to him) that the origins of democracy have been misplaced. This has been an emergent phenomenon. PACs and SPIGs (special interest groups) are partly at fault here, but their influences come not from the people-at-large. I'm pretty sure that, had those people been more attentive; more vigilant; the PACs and SPIGs would have not gained their respective followings.(please note that vigilant is not the same as vigilante---they just look alike.)

It is, of course, more complex that what has been suggested above. I can't write a book here and you would not want to read one. Key phrases are representative democracy and participatory democracy. One must have both---not just one in lieu of the other. The PT blog discusses most of the other errors that have been committed and repeated,over a comparatively short time. I think their repetitive format is intended to track those commissions (and omissions).: we are not, it appears, learning from our mistakes. Dan Dennett must be tearing his hair out. Or else, like me, it is male pattern baldness.

Daniel's picture


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 -- 3:43 PM

Certainly representative


It is however the main part of your comment which to my mind carries the heaviest burden of philosophical analysis: The ancient distinction between form and substance which you apply in explanation of apparent social and political divisiveness, and goes back at least to Aristotle. For Aristotle substance (ousia) is primarily the bearer of diverse predicates which can not itself be a predicate of anything else; to wit: "this man" (e.g. Socrates); "that horse" (e.g. Bucephallus). (As a technical point, the form or "species" is itself described as a kind of "secondary" substance, since it can be seen as a particular under a larger class or "genus", but I think this can here be put aside.) The form however can also denote serviceability (cf. Metaphysics; books V-VI). An ax's form, for example, is defined primarily by its function (ergon), as one which chops wood. A cardboard ax has an ax's shape (morphe), but not its form.



The best solution to the problem of erosion of problem-awareness by solution-reaction is therefore to retreat to the problems themselves-- to thought (attempt to understand on one's own account); and to being (accommodating one's understanding to the source of its contents).

In this relation and in deference to the forum, there might emerge from such considerations a justifiable advocacy for the Philosophy Department's return to some form of the position it obtained in earlier periods, whereby one might hear G.T.F.'s themselves beckoning to the heights of their advisors: "thallassa!", "to the sea!".

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, May 6, 2021 -- 7:55 AM

Following with amazement the


tartarthistle's picture


Monday, May 10, 2021 -- 10:43 AM

Hi Philosophy Talk,

Hi Philosophy Talk,

I would like to suggest your audience read Glen Greenwald’s most recent post on substack.com (5-9-21) about U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as it directly relates to your last radio broadcast. We hear so much about fake news these days, but it’s almost always in reference to Trump and right wing institutions. Lost in the process have been the blatant attacks on press freedoms by recent Democratic administrations. Our political framing seems strictly confined to discussions about Trump’s over-the-top bad behavior, meanwhile Tartuffe-like characters on the Democratic side are given a pass. It’s easy to appear good next to someone like Trump, but often hiding behind the hair-shirt displays of piety and political correctness of many prominent Democratic politicians you find an ethically compromised, profiteering, self-serving hypocrite (Senator Feinstein comes immediately to mind).


By going out of his way to appear ignorant, brutish, and greedy by openly embracing negative stereotypes associated with working-class men of all colors, Trump appeals to those who identify themselves as commoners, our nations largest part. (Think Golden Ratio here; the whole is to the largest part, as the largest part is to the smallest.) This game being played is a mathematical one; divide the American working-class neatly in two, in order to control the whole country. The American working-class, our country’s largest part, is probably the most politically impotent demographic on earth right now (their trucks get bigger as their power diminishes, it’s so pathetic one wants to weep). As the 2014 study by Martin Gilens, a professor of politics at Princeton University, and Benjamin I. Page, a professor at Northwestern University, found, the preferences of average citizens have very little to no effect on policy-making. This is because Americans strangely permit their social elite to accumulate massive amounts of wealth, while simultaneously and irrationally still claiming to represent the interest of society as a whole.



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 -- 10:30 PM




That Glen Greenwald thinks Julian Assange is worthy of a Nobel prize is neither newsworthy, legally accurate, nor philosophically sound. How does Greenwald’s essay relate to this broadcast? How exactly? It does not.

Both Biden and Trump supported extradition (granted Trump toyed with pardoning Assange – which neither Blinken nor Biden would ever consider – but even Trump did not stoop so low.) If that is disinformation, then it is equally shared by both administrations and Barack Obama’s to boot. If that is disinformation, at least our Democracy is not threatened by its spread.


PT is not Sophistry Talks; instead, it is Philosophy Talks. Philosophy as a whole is non-partisan. It is the discussion of the common grounds of grounds themselves. You seem to want to equate Trump with Biden. Not only that, you call all Democrats Tartuffe-like. It is hyperbole. Equating the extreme disinformation of Donald Trump compared to that of Joe Biden or any other Democrat is disingenuous and outright deception. Drop the sophistry, and your post withers.

You say Trump appeals to the mob while Biden appeals to the social elite, who you then call out as profiting from the pandemic. You, full stop, are Tartuffe, of a prickly Russian sort – Tartarthistle. Stop aggrandizing Trump by comparing his tactic to the Golden Ratio (what does that even mean “the whole is to the largest… as the largest is to the smallest.” What does that have to do with the number 1.618, the very exact golden ratio or Trump here or anywhere else?) Your words are silly, irrational, and unhelpful. But they go on…

You talk of Americans as if you are not one of them. Well, at least you intimate truth there, Tartar-thistle. Reading your post makes me want to weep despite my colossal truck in the driveway.

It is not those who seem the most imperfect who are most trustworthy and good. This particular bit of imperfection is, in fact, Donald Trump, and with respect to disinformation, it is a decidedly nasty and bad bit.

Trump is not Biden; Democrats are not Tartuffes (at least not the plurality of them), black is not white, and appearances are precisely what they seem when brought to the attention of genuine philosophers. What is your argument? Make it, please. There are things to do and about which to think.


tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 -- 2:26 PM

Hi there,

Hi there,

Although I did post my comments on the blog first, I also emailed them tocomments@philosophytalk.org, as it took me some time to write them down and I wanted to make sure whoever organized the show read them. I soon received an email in response, suggesting I post them so that other listeners could weigh in as well. Considering this invitation extended by Philosophy Talk, I can only assume my words were not impolite, out of order, or irrelevant to the discussion. It was my understanding that the blog was intended for listener’s feedback, so I wrote down my reflections after listening to the program. I certainly did not expect to be called names such a “Russian Thistle” and “silly, irrational, and unhelpful,” nor attacked as being un-American, especially on a philosophy discussion board affiliated with Stanford University. I’m an American housewife who enjoys gardening, and am not Russian. The thistle is one of my favorite flowers, hence my use of the name. I love the flower's metaphoric symbolism, as it combines beauty with fierceness and perseverance. I had no idea I might be mistaken for a Russian, and that Russians should not contribute comments here.



The philosopher desires wisdom, because he or she doesn’t have it already. Philosophers are imperfect, incomplete, and in want of what they don't know. And it would be lovely to for once see such average, imperfect, and wanting people run for office against our two perfectly complete and domineering ideals: that of badness (commoners, the many/mob), and that of goodness (the few, the “experts” who know). This sort of dynamic excludes people like me, average housewives, but also working-class people of all colors and genders.

But then, who cares what we think. We're not welcome to participate in elections, or philosophy discussions for that matter. Shut up and serve, let the experts, the professionals, those who know everything already make all the important social decisions. Clearly they know what they're doing...

P.S. Pythagoras' Divine Ratio is definitely relevant to this discussion, as it deals with numerical relations between parts and wholes. That is, three distinct things: one thing, another thing, and the difference between the one and the other.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 -- 2:26 PM



Thanks for this response.

I don't know what a "genuine" philosopher is, but I think being a housewife does not exclude you or others from that title. Your response and thoughts are welcome. They have been in previous posts and are now.


I am like you, a seeker of wisdom. I apologize for my response to your original post. I see now you did not intend to question reason, fact, and logic. But you did challenge each of these with your statement…

"Appearances are deceiving, as professional sophists and genuine philosophers are well aware."

It is 'sophistry' that is at issue in your post and my response, as it was for Socrates, at least if we can trust Plato.

Sophists were trained orators, often traveling teachers, who enabled students in law, business, and politics to use persuasive rhetoric and moral relativism to get along and gain an advantage in what we're in the time very diverse city-states.


Again, I apologize for my initial response. I mistook your words. They triggered a harshness that is itself not helpful. Please accept my apology. Thanks for your clarifications above. I see your point and will consider it directly.


在我们的体系中,并非一直存在两党。最初没有。在宪法或我们的权利法案中没有提到政党。《联邦党人文集》确实讨论了它们的弊端以及它们的用途。在殖民时期的美国,政党制度的产生与金钱和二分法有关;城市/农村,工业/农业,北方/南方,有地/无地,自由/奴役。所以从这个意义上说,二不是偶然的。然而,我不知道这是否是设计来阻止思考,制造紧张或不平衡。不是说不是,我不知道。我只知道数字3并没有什么神秘、神奇或逻辑的重要性。 Aristotle set his Laws of Thought as three laws as a start, but they have been fleshed out since his day.


Your response is not the one I was expecting if I was one at all. I'm still curious why you would point to Greenwald and his commentary of Wikileaks here. That is another hot button for me as many national security issues have been compromised both there and elsewhere recently, risking the livelihoods and safety of all US citizens. Rightly or wrongly, that is not a matter of disinformation as it is secrecy and security. It does threaten our democracy if that was your point, even if it opens the avenue to greater social justice in the long run.

Words can be misconstrued in any format. Sophistry, not so much. Calling Democrats Tartuffes while stating that Trump, who prides himself in his imperfections, even gloats about them, is worthy of more trust and goodness, there is no logical call to extend such kindness. If we can't agree to that. Let's talk.




tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 -- 5:26 PM

Hi Tim,

Hi Tim,


There’s a reason why California has an unexpected $76 billion budget surplus this year. The wealthy class, the few, made bank while the many, the dirty uncivilized disobedient masses, were left stranded with no way of earning money during the shutdowns. This includes the many small businesses we see closing down all over the place. They could barely get by before Covid, and when forced to shut their doors they had no savings to fall back on. Stay home, stay safe, and starve is basically what they were told to do by those in power.



Anyway, I have to stop writing so that I can cook dinner for my family. But before signing off, I must ask that you read Book VII, lines 523B - 524E of The Republic. The number three is far more significant with respect to reasoning than you suggest.

Fiercely yours,
Tartar thistle

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, May 13, 2021 -- 5:25 AM



You get a $1900 bonus check, and you complain that the boss isn’t doing his job? The majority of billionaires in the world live in California. The rich have been getting richer since 1970. Did you expect a pandemic to solve that? Deal with it. You are using words but not making sense, to me at least.

Democrats run your state, and you have a budget surplus. This is a problem, how? Some states would like this kind of problem. It looks to me like the current governor there is working to issue refund checks to those who earn less than 75000 a year. No Republican is going to get on board there. Your problems seem pretty first-world on a quick fact check.

I find your attack on Democrats misplaced as only a true Republican could. True confessions...I am a registered Republican. I attend party events and can attest that no social policy initiatives are coming from my party at present.

At the last dinner I attended, Governor Kristi Noem was the keynote speaker. Not a single public health bill, social reform, or even public works program was brought up. The speakers spent all night and my money congratulating each other on obstructing Democratic policies without offering a single effort to get our streets clean and our businesses supported.




黄金比例与两个数字的差值无关。它是两个数之和除以大的数在这个例子中等于小的数比大的数。它是代数上的x^2 - x = 1,是一个实际的无理数(~1.618),与特朗普、格伦·格林沃尔德、朱利安·阿桑奇或柏拉图的《理想国》无关。这是通过联想和误导产生的虚假信息。

你给我们指明了格林沃尔德的位置。你指引我去柏拉图的理想国。让我来推荐一下Steven Pinker的《启蒙运动》。PT几周后会重播一个关于这个的节目。这是一个很好的阅读,揭穿了你上面的大多数事实陈述。事情好转了,主要是因为自由主义的政治和哲学。我不认为它能拯救我们,但情况好转了。


I’m glad you are fierce. I was afraid you had taken offense. None is intended, ever. Apples aren’t oranges, however. Often I can’t tell if a poster is being sincere or what their motives are. I don’t doubt your sincerity at this point. Let’s reconvene this exchange on the Pinker show Can Reason Save Us? June 13, 2021. I would like to know your thoughts on that, as that indeed does hit back to this exchange.

tartarthistle's picture


Saturday, May 15, 2021 -- 12:34 PM


感谢您的回复。我会在日历上注明平克展的日期,一定要看。In the meantime, you may want to check out at this article on the Golden Ratio:https://phys.org/news/2021-05-golden-ratio-ancient-greek-formula.html




Your pal,
Tartar Thistle

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, May 17, 2021 -- 10:07 PM

Tartar Thistle,

Tartar Thistle,

Thanks for this response.

I read Stephon Langston's post (https://phys.org/news/2021-05-golden-ratio-ancient-greek-formula.html.) I also downloaded his spreadsheet. It is pretty cool and fun.

I concede the Golden Ratio (GR) is ubiquitous. Beyond music and art, the GR is far more common in biology than physics. I'd go so far as to say life and the GR are inseparable.

That doesn't mean one is a causative agent of the other, however. If it were causative, it wouldn't necessarily mean the GR could be instrumental in the action of the other. If it were instrumental, it wouldn't necessarily mean art is this way. These statements, causation, instrumentality, and agency, are difficult, if not impossible, to prove without a doubt. There is good reason to think the GR is more a product of our biological view than a causative agent in its action. The eyes of the beholder are more fundamental than ratio, relativity, or grouping.

为什么我们会看到颜色?颜色真的存在吗?数学是否存在于人类的经验之外?人类和动物的情感是相似的还是截然不同的体验?生命的起源是什么?我们的世界?宇宙吗?You and I fundamentally disagree with the answers to all these questions.


That all three of these parts – mind, emotion and the physical world seem to be distinct is a mystery to me at least. But the greatest secret to me is the insinuation that they correlate to social classes. What is that about? I think you might want to get out of Diogenes' sun?



Palsies for life,

Tim Smith

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 -- 10:22 PM

这个节目打动了我。As Dean


My brain took in the very well received John Perry, as well. He is a devil for diversion, but he makes me think. If a Stanford or UC Riverside student paints a swastika, John should call them out. Whether this is disinformation or a symbol, it threatens our Democracy. Reed College students in Portland have been painting circle A s throughout Portland, Oregon, smashing windows while co-opting the masks of CoVid to carry out their antiestablishmentarianism. They, too, threaten our Democracy.



Citizens United is the heart of the problem. That needs a fix.


Thanks for this show and most all the comments here. I am listening and thinking about your words.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, May 28, 2021 -- 5:24 AM


唷!真空袋为HOT。在这件事上我不会偏袒任何一方。我只能说,政治是一种古老的游戏,甚至比民主本身还要古老。总有一些‘锅’说‘水壶’是黑的。这不是种族主义言论。我希望我的观点在过去的六年中已经得到了很好的说明。我今天向山姆·哈里斯组织提到,我听说美国国债达到了270万亿美元。注意这些是很多0。作为一个实际问题,现在谁在白宫并不重要。 Government ( not the CEO) is what government does. Partisanship appears to have gotten worse. But,I don't know if that is right. It may simply be that in the lights of transparency, it is just more obvious.