Dignity and the End of Life

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
First Aired:
Tuesday, June 8, 2004

What Is It

医生协助自杀在道德上可行吗?对身患绝症的病人实施主动安乐死怎么样?如果我们开始沿着这条路走下去,我们如何才能阻止自己的堕落,在这个堕落的世界里,我们允许医生杀死或帮助严重抑郁的人自杀,但却不允许绝症患者自杀?约翰和肯与来自犹他大学的玛格丽特·巴廷进行了一次有尊严的讨论,她是《Ending Life: Ethics and the Way We Die.

Listening Notes


Many ethical systems regard most forms of killing as wrong. What about avoiding unbearable pain? Kant thought that suicide for any reason was wrong. Battin thinks that it is different if you reflect before deciding to die. Kant's ethical views were formed before medicine advanced enough to keep patients alive for so long. Ken mentions the worry that insurance companies might not pay for treatment for terminally ill patients when assisted suicide is an option. Battin does not think that there is much economic incentive to let or to force patients to die instead of treating them. Does banning assisted suicide protect the value of human life?

Battin points out that assisted suicide is an international issue. It is legal in many European countries already. Is letting a person die more humane than killing that person if she or he is in extreme pain? Where do we draw the line for allowing assisted suicide? The Netherlands does not require terminal illness but it does require intolerable suffering on the part of the patient.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 04:50): Amy Standen interviews Gloria, a women who recently had to deal with her husband contracting a terminal illness.
  • Conundrum(Seek to 48:30): Martina from Austin calls in to ask whether she should take a corporate job that pays well but that has goals she does not support.
