Covid Conundrums and Moral Dilemmas

Sunday, May 31, 2020

What Is It

In just months the world changed radically, and we have all had to adjust our lifestyles to stop the spread of Covid-19. Those working on the frontlines are taking on great personal risk while the rest of us are required to socially distance. But even if you follow all the guidelines, you may still face moral dilemmas. Is it ethical to order non-essential goods online, putting low wage workers at risk for your own comfort? What should you do if your roommates refuse to follow the rules, putting your health in danger? And if social distancing means thousands will die alone of non-Covid related diseases, has it gone too far? Josh and Ray putyourCovid-related conundrums to Karen Stohr from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, author ofMinding the Gap: Moral Ideals and Moral Improvement.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, May 3, 2021 -- 5:36 AM

A lot has happened since May,

A lot has happened since May, 2020. As more people get vaccinations, there are expanding plans for the summer of 2021. Medical professionals are cautiously optimistic. People generally are more hopeful, some becoming careless. But some refuse to think globally. Which is likely a big mistake. I found it quietly ironic, when, upon reading the post notes for this show, I found no comments. Not sure why this is the case. It should have generated some thought and reaction, seems to me. Unless people were so stunned by the pandemic they did not know how to react. And, we still have surges in places like India. Been emailing with my friend in Ecuador. He and his wife have a comfortable life there. He has not mentioned Covid, saying only that healthcare is a fraction of what it costs here, and that it is excellent care as well. I think the sense of the Covid matter remains one of skepticism. For all the reasons we now know---and those we may not.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, April 30, 2022 -- 5:37 AM


我现在不旅行了。除了费用和新冠肺炎之外,这是一项体力劳动。一位住在厄瓜多尔的朋友通过社交媒体给我发送了信息。那里的人们,包括当局,和其他人一样困惑。有人反对戴口罩。市民们不想生病或死亡,但他们厌倦了个人防护措施。我已经接种了所有推荐的疫苗——现在已经接种了四种。我去当地商店时仍然戴着口罩。我没有沉迷于此,但我对封闭区域的人群非常小心和警惕。如果我是58%中的一员(或者60人,取决于统计的是谁),那么。 Still have some things I like doing. This blog is one. Cuenca, Ecuador is 8500 feet above sea level. I could handle that! But, I probably won't be going...

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