Bodies For Sale

Sunday, August 15, 2010
First Aired:
Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Is It

我可以卖掉我的房子,我做的东西,我提供的服务。那我为什么不能卖掉我的一个肾呢?禁止出售人体器官的哲学依据是什么?存在一个(非法)人体器官市场;难道我们不应该相信市场的智慧,让它合法吗?或者这样做会损害个人和生命的尊严吗?Ken and John dissect the issues with Stanford Philosopher Debra Satz, author ofWhy Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: On The Limits of Markets.

Listening Notes

John and Ken start out by listing some dizzying statistics – in 2006, 6000 people in the US died awaiting organ transplant and only about half of those who could donate, did. They review a brief list of reasons for and against selling organs: aiding the financially-needy (who are willing to sell organs for money) and the organ-needy one the one hand, violating donor’s personhood and exploiting the poor on the other.


Ken and John then ask Debra about some of apparent inconsistencies of outlawing an organ market. If people may donate blood, then why not organs? Given that there are many individual cases in which organ donation is noble, why does it become smarmy when the market gets involved? Debra recaps some of the best arguments for an organ market, but also draws some bottom lines: in particular, the percentage of donors who regretted selling their organs, after the fact, when there was a legalized organ market in India.


  • Roving Philosophical Report(seek to 5:50): Julie Napolin interviews David Magnus, director of Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, who talks to her about the dynamics of the organ donation game. He discusses the rules for solicitation, directed donation, and finding real friends.
  • 60-second Philosopher(seek to 49:20): Ian Shoales uncovers frightening – but mostly false – stories about organ scandals and thefts.
