The Art of Non-Violence

Sunday, January 16, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, April 12, 2015

What Is It

We all hope for peace. Yet in the face of violence, it often seems the only recourse is more violence. Advocates of non-violence claim it’s not necessary to respond to war in kind, and that responding violently, even in self-defense, just perpetuates the cycle of violence. So how can we practice non-violence under the direct threat of violence? Can non-violent acts be spread to stop aggression and war? And are there times when violence is, in fact, necessary? John and Ken keep the peace with Judith Butler from UC Berkeley, author ofThe Force of Non-Violence: An Ethico-Political Bind.

Listening Notes

Ken supports non-violence, as there are historical cases of it working. But John reminds us of certain historical cases in which violence was necessary—to defeat the Nazis, for example. There must be limitations to non-violence. Ken argues that non-violence can achieve a degree of moral clarity that violence can never hope to. But John reminds us that when the oppressor is violent enough, it just isn’t practical to be non-violent. Ken concludes that this very question is of course very divisive, just as it was in the past – for example, at the height of the civil rights movement.

John and Ken are joined by Judith Butler, professor of Comparative Literature at University of California Berkeley. John asks Judith if there was any personal event that convinced her of the power of non-violence. Judith brings up her experience growing up during the height of the Civil Rights movement, and Ken then asks what she thinks of the accusation that non-violence begets violence and is therefore violent as well. Judith dismisses this logic and argues that the responsibility of the violent act is solely on the violent actor, since provocation does not entail responsibility for the ultimate act.


A member of the audience asks the question whether the violent consequences of nonviolent demonstrations diminish the legitimacy of non-violence as a whole. Another question from the audience asks: if you practice non-violence, do you have a voice that exists only through violence, and does non-violence ultimately just amount to obedience to an overpowering violent system? Judith and Ken then discuss different “languages” of violence and non-violence. Judith offers a final remark on the hope for solidarity between violent oppressors and the oppressed, for example when police officers put down their arms. John concludes that there is a need for more exposure to the everyday acts of non-violence that successfully bring about change, and Ken concludes on the need for educating a more engaged citizenry that is more aware of these avenues of change.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 7:04): Shuka Kalantari examines the Black Panther party and their justifications for violent as a necessary means for liberation and defense from violence.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(寻求47:35):伊恩·肖尔斯研究了甘地的非暴力或非暴力不服从的要求,以证明将其描述为“被动”抵抗根本不正确。



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, January 6, 2022 -- 5:55 AM

Suppose the capitol police

Suppose the capitol police didn't put up barriers and instead let rioters into the capitol on Jan 6 of 2021. What would have happened? The strangest footage of the insurrection is seeing the mob transect the capitol through a cordoned path while looking up at the dome.

This show originally aired in 2015 and focuses on protests that seem quaint compared to the dissonance of 2022. The capitol insurrection one year ago was intolerable, but the cause is not hard to fathom.

There is a social pressure to be non-violent when people are included in the social process. Inclusion is the critical determinant and a sense of ownership and appreciation for the process.

If a mosquito buzzes in your ear, do you swat it? If you feel heartburn, do you treat it with a proton pump inhibitor? These actions could be viewed as violence toward an insect or a bacteria. The concept of violence is tied to identity.

Rob Dunn @ North Carolina State is one of my favorite scientists and authors. 'Never Home Alone' (NHA) is a fun read, but he has several, 'The Natural History of the Future' is next tome up for me. The gist of NHA is that you are never far from an insect. Ed Yong's 'I am Multitudes' takes this even further to say a very large part of you and me is not really you or me.

When confronted with violence, we can practice non-violence with understanding, inclusion, and appreciation of our social projects (like government, K-14 schooling, and our armed forces, among others.)

Non-violence is neither contagious nor preferred at all times. Sometimes the mosquito bites, sometimes the bacteria ulcerates. When a mob forms, it can be dangerous, but it is always a sign of unrest. Non-violent approaches to crowds, incited or not, will not solve the underlying causes for those gathering.


I found Judith's self-report of a majority intent not to play ball with Nazis shallow and insensitive. The entire show was too focused on righteousness that should be revisited. These are the airs of the insurrectionists who stormed our capitol. If only professor Butler could appreciate the ills of non-violent righteousness and the insurrectionists the glory of the capitol dome.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 -- 7:14 AM

I looked back at my brief

我回顾了我2015年说过的一句简短的俏皮话。也浏览了其他人的评论。然后,我对PT和博客都是新手。此时此刻,我保留对非暴力的评论,因为它适用于人与人之间的互动,因为在我看来,这是在这篇文章的背景下最重要的。暴力,正如我们经常看到的,是无政府状态和暴民统治的象征。那些赞同这些行为的人希望事情按照他们的方式进行——按照他们选择的从属关系进行。这并不能将他们的行动与受制裁的战争归为同一类:此类冲突受到更严格的审查,因为它们的目标,表面上看,是为了更多的人获得更大的利益,而不是以牺牲大多数人的利益来换取一个分裂集团的成功。战争(大多数战争)在这方面是合理的。无政府状态和暴民统治则不然。后一种形式的暴力是更深层次怨恨和反抗的症状,而不是为了维护任何更大的利益。 As negative examples of propositional attitude, they are a darker facet of humanity: those better angels of our nature fly off into oblivion.


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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, January 22, 2022 -- 3:26 PM

Trying harder to think better

努力更好地思考……等等。因为有一些特征,比如非暴力的艺术。战争的艺术。欺骗的艺术(或自我欺骗)——这是对我们通常理解的艺术的更高尚的应用的侮辱。好奇。令人失望的?当然。然而,这是有背景的。我们逃不过他们,也逃不过把我们带到那里的源头。我正在跟踪上下文。。 have claimed reality, at least one version of it, has plasticity. That depends upon context. And context rules this realm. Fully x% of so-called reality is contextual. Most of us know reality but do not recognize contextual reality. This is why the value of x is unknown.. Be selective when you think about, recognize and trust reality. And ask yourself, will this help me. Or will it hurt? Moreover---what may I change?

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