The Allure of Authoritarianism

Sunday, May 22, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, October 6, 2019

What Is It

In George Orwell’s1984, the party’s “final, most essential command” was “to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” Authoritarian regimes call on us to accept as fact whatever they tell us; or worse, as Hannah Arendt says, they get us to a point where we no longer know—or care about—the difference between fiction and reality. So why are so many so willing to reject the evidence of their senses and deny basic, confirmable truths? Is there something about human psychology that makes us susceptible to totalitarian propaganda? And as the appeal of authoritarian leaders grows around the world, how do we guard against such radical thought manipulation? Josh and Ken lure Michael Lynch from the University of Connecticut, author ofKnow-It-All Society: Truth and Arrogance in Political Culture.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, September 21, 2019 -- 12:25 PM

I'll get to this with the

我将用一个问题来回答这个问题,这个问题的开头是:“人类的心理……,尽量保持主题的简单和/或优雅。答案是肯定的。关于人类心理有几个“东西”。威权主义领导人(以及那些可能如此的人)利用人类的弱点,比如:恐惧;不确定性;不宽容;无法独立思考——回想一下朱利安·杰恩斯(Julian Jaynes)在上个世纪所写的两院制思维。我们中的许多人从未听说过詹尼斯,但那些仍然认为他是对的人。所有形式的心智弱点都会使人们容易受到专制主义者及其同类的影响。当一无所有的人看到别人在一个或多个层面上拥有更多时,嫉妒也是有罪的。 We all want our societies to excel, and authoritarians are good at selling snake oil and short-cuts. People are, in the last analysis, gullible---not all, mind you, but at least a charming plurality. There would likely be some mathematical formula for this, if anyone cared to explore it---maybe someone has, I do not know. Finally, people are predictable when it comes to leaders and leadership: that which is too good to be true achieves approval, in spite of itself. You don't have to take my word for this: examine the evidence and think for yourself.

RepoMan05's picture


Friday, September 27, 2019 -- 1:52 PM

The best tools to resist

The best tools to resist authority are easy to find. You just have to find what's not taught in any public school anywhere. What's that? Lists of common fallacies. You dont have to teach children what's a lie and what isnt. You just have to teach them how to recognize a lie.

1984 was a history book, not a prophecy

lindamat's picture


Sunday, October 6, 2019 -- 11:49 AM

1984 is not history! It is

1984 is not history! It is FICTION, extremely important fiction, author George Orwell, written in 1949. It would be good for everyone to read it! You do need to teach children what's a lie and how to identify one. And with the internet it is easy to look it up as long as a legitimate website is used. Children - and adults - need to be taught how to find legitimate websites (i.e., those from recognized legal, historical and news organizations recognized for identifying and reporting the truth).

RepoMan05's picture


Friday, October 11, 2019 -- 4:38 AM

Oh sure, maybe they need to

Oh sure, maybe they need to be taught how to be innanely literal and have their minds funneled into our perfect little avenue of controlled self serving biased lies while completely forgetting (yet again) to teach them about fallacies?

Or maybe thats just sarcasm?

You sure you ever read it?


RepoMan05's picture


Thursday, October 10, 2019 -- 8:47 AM

Was Animal Farm a "fiction?"

Was Animal Farm a "fiction?"

Everything ever written was a fiction.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, February 25, 2022 -- 8:36 AM

I just posted this to the

I just posted this to the blog as well. I'm not sure I can offer much more.

Authoritarianism is an -ism like all others, and I can't separate it from facts on the ground, history, or economy. Some situations call for this -ism, some call for its abolition. Sometimes it is best to leave authoritarian leaders to their worlds, and most of the time to leave authority to its path leads back to our own door.

This show took place in the Trump presidency, to which it references and alludes. Now we face an Olympics in China to which they sold no tickets, and ratings in the West, at least, were poor at best. Now we face the loss of Ukraine to the democratic world, and now the message of the show is much harsher than three years ago.

There is no way to deal with the forces at work in our world other than to gird the consequences of dealing with dictators. There will be a great deal of suffering to right this ship, and it's not human nature to choose suffering over scapegoating. We have too strong an us/them model for dealing with authoritarian regimes in real-time.

Technology and economics might address what politics and philosophy cannot, but not without some sacrifice. We have to find fellowship with the citizens of authoritarian regimes. We need to share learning and technology that allows them to liberate their lives. Allowing Russia and China to own social media, steal technology and wantonly threaten Europe (Ukraine and others) and Southeast Asia (Taiwan and others) will limit us in short order if we don’t take action to stop it now. We need to push technology to everyone and eliminate poverty without scapegoating a them that sooner or later will be an us if we don't push now and with unanimity.

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, March 2, 2022 -- 10:56 AM

You make a bold claim here in


So let's say that in the course of the study of human nature and the human sciences it's found out that in fact it's human nature not to blame others undeservedly, and even to suffer painful consequences on refusing it, would that change the likelihood of your plan's success?

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, March 11, 2022 -- 7:16 PM

There is no bold claim here.

There is no bold claim here. If we sever relations with our fellow humans living under authoritarian regimes we lose the ability to share common ideals. There is nothing guaranteed in this approach, except history has shown it to bear strange fruit time and time again.

The Us/Them psychology is well studied and ingrained in human behavior. The hypothetical is absurd. Ed Yong has a good article on this -

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 28, 2022 -- 6:42 AM

It is more than coincidental,

It is more than coincidental, I think, that egregious motives and behaviors reflect similar allure(s). This post expounds upon authoritarianism and those who pursue and embrace such power. An article received from a source this morning talks about faculty at a prestigious university supporting a colleague accused of sexual harassment: the exercise of a different kind of power. That being what it is, power is power, no matter the stripe. Motive tends to make people resistant to those 'better angels of our nature'. Power polishes the ego. There was a sizable number of persons attached to the defense of the man mentioned in this comment. Common knowledge and experience show he will likely be cleared---correctly, or not.

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Daniel's picture


Wednesday, March 2, 2022 -- 6:53 PM

First it's important to

First it's important to distinguish between authority and authoritarianism. There are two kinds of authority: justified, as for example a geologist would have over the study of rocks, and unjustified, as for instance someone might claim to have over how someone should dress or wear their hair. But "authoritarianism" refers to only one kind thing: a general recourse in the treatment of any social issue or problem to some kind of authority over its constituents, whether as a genuine belief in its existence or as a manufactured claim for particular purposes. As most claims of authority in social contexts are usually unjustified, they tend to be found at the manufactured end of the scale; and because inventions are rarely produced without some specific reason or need that they fulfill, the supposition can safely be made that almost all authoritarianism is reactionary in character.


And what then about the means of achieving this? What is the accidental and occasional form or forms by which elite reaction can be said to be successful? The most common is clearly what is called "populism", the exploitation of traditional animosity between distinct groups of the same class. Customary hatreds, suspicions, prejudices, can all be exploited for the purpose of diffusing social organization. Because these are produced by very different substantial causes, however, they should not be considered as characteristics of authoritarianism itself.


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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, May 11, 2022 -- 9:10 PM

One thing I'm noticing lately

One thing I'm noticing lately is that we tend to speak about social power in monolithic terms. We seem incapable of acknowledging the complexity the idea of social power entails: control, influence, and force. These are three conceptually different aspects of social power, but we tend smush them all up into one thing using the language of democratic "equality," which may appear flattering to some, but actually prevents most from "seeing" their actual relationship to social control. Curious what others think...

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 -- 10:00 PM

Democracy and equality are,

Democracy and equality are, in fact, bandied to control, influence, and force U.S. citizens' behavior. I'm not sure people don't see this reality. Our standard of living is relatively better than it used to be, which breeds a bit of not "looking"? That would be my response which is almost in step with yours.

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tartarthistle's picture


Wednesday, May 18, 2022 -- 4:52 PM

I think what I find very

我觉得这些天让我感到非常困扰的是——尤其是在看了刚刚的新闻之后——即使是受过教育的人似乎也无法分辨整体(象征层面,即人、狮子、树)、部分(个体单位,人、狮子、树)和物理事实(我,SF动物园里的狮子,我公寓前的树)之间的逻辑区别。这是一个严重的问题。回到阿伦特的作品,这个问题与我们社会环境的实际情况有关。当事情如此不稳定,如此情绪化,人们简直无法思考。推理、自省需要稳定的社会/环境条件。我们需要身体上感到安全、稳定和受保护。我们不能像“我们美国人”那样,作为一个整体来思考问题,因为我们的社会状况正在陷入疯狂。美国作为一个整体可能是相对富裕的,但随便选一个美国人,问他们的经济状况有多稳定,我的猜测是,你会发现一个深陷债务的人,并深深地寻找一个人来为此负责。在新冠肺炎危机之前,近一半的美国人银行存款不足400美元。美国很富有,但这个美国人并不富有。 Most Americans are not. I suspect most Americans are actually poor, and self-identify as "white." The visible American oligarchs (Bezos, Gates, etc.) SEEM to have a great deal of economic power, but seeming to have economic power and actually having economic power are not the same thing. To discern the actual center of economic power requires knowing some factual information (data) and doing some actual calculations in order to come up with the mean among billionaires as a class. There is a center of economic power at any given point in time, but this center is relative and thus constantly subject to change. The occupant in this position shifts. We don't see them, cannot see them, because the facts placing them where they are within the whole system are constantly changing. This center of economic power is the Invisible "Man." They are the one that determines everyone else's value, they are the economic equivalent of the sun. They may not even know it, but they are calling the economic shots, because they have the power to decide how much to give to those sustaining them at any given point in time.

Not all social power is economic, but most people believe that it is. Most people don't reflect on the difference between natural signs (smoke is a sign of fire), an artificial sign (stop signs), and THIS stop sign at an empty intersection without any other people or cameras around right now. There's currency in general, a unit of currency, and THIS one lonely U.S. dollar in my wallet. Seems powerful and IS powerful are not the same. (Force, influence, control= truth, validity, and soundness, these are not three EQUAL things, but three logically different things, just like black, white, and gray are three different colors.)

It would be nice if our working-class was organized, because organized individuals stabilize social conditions. People feel safe when they are meaningfully connected and supported by their peers. Organized labor can function as a counter force to extremist movements by being a third social pillar/power center (the other two being government and religion). Right now, as a whole people we are seriously weakened socially because so many of us are alienated and isolated. Add toxic social media and financial crisis to the mix, and you have a highly volatile situation. Throw a match on things (stock market crash, war, natural disaster), we're toast. Organized labor is very healthy for societies--it keeps people housed, happy, fed, and feeling safe. We REALLY need to urge one another to get organized if we are serious about wanting to maintain our social freedoms and civil liberties.... And this is coming from a Russian Thistle, not a robot...

P.S. Authoritarianism, fascism, and totalitarianism are conceptually three different things. Authoritarianism involves relations of physical force, fascism involves relations between individuals in organized movements, totalitarianism involves relations of complete psychological control (ideology) at a mass level.

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, May 15, 2022 -- 5:51 PM

I am having a robot light my

I am having a robot light my artificial cigarette now.

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Daniel's picture


Monday, May 16, 2022 -- 8:15 AM



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tartarthistle's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 6:30 AM

I'm not sure. Probably not.

I'm not sure if I can clarify my point any further. Forgive me... I'm taking a break from argument for awhile. Going to write some poems...

P.S. Taras Bulba by Gogol is a good read for these times. As is Hadji Murat by Tolstoy....

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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 3:39 AM



I have been trying to post a response here, but I keep getting forwarded to this URL.




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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 3:42 AM





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Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, June 2, 2022 -- 7:26 AM



Maybe this will work. Not ideal but it might get around the antibot filter. Largely this is what I wrote, and I too am not a robot - even though the site thinks I am.


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tartarthistle's picture


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 -- 7:33 AM

And before going into poetic

And before going into poetic hiding, I will add one last poetic point (not strictly philosophical) to the above comment. The corollary to the invisible "man" mentioned above is our individual service to others in our everyday lives (work/labor). As individuals, we have the power to choose the physical things and beings we wish to sustain. Personally, my guide in this area is the Golden Rule. I would like to believe that at the other end of my service there is an actual living invisible "man" that's truly good and worthy of my gift of service. This is a matter of faith. I think Plato referred to such judgments as opinions, and he held that there was such a thing as a right opinion. I just hope in my own personal daily service to others that my opinions are right. Crossing fingers, writings poems, and taking a sip or two on occasion...

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Daniel's picture


Friday, May 20, 2022 -- 8:42 PM

--On the post-script- You've

——在后记上——您引用了三个重点,分别区分三个不同的社会政治概念的概念决定。一个是物理的,一个是社会学的,还有一个是心理学的。这些类似的吗?以你所说的“威权主义”为例。这里所说的“物理力量的关系”是什么样的?如果一只松鼠跑到街上撞上了交通工具,被行驶的汽车车轮压碎了,这是一种不可抗拒的物理力量和一个有机的动物物体之间的关系,它的结果是停止正常工作。我们能说车辆对松鼠有权力吗?这似乎说不通。法西斯主义的概念是指个人之间的“有组织的运动”?20世纪70年代流行的游戏“扭扭者”(Twister)在三个或三个以上的人玩的时候很好地满足了这一标准,但这并不能让任何参与其中的人成为法西斯主义者。 Your version of totalitarianism however is clear with respect to ideological control exerted on whole populations; and is similar to advertising campaigns for the sale of mass-produced products. By this third concept, then, is it accurate to say that the culture of product-advertising under market conditions is totalitarian in nature?

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Daniel's picture


Thursday, May 12, 2022 -- 6:51 PM

So let's take the analogy of

So let's take the analogy of an automobile, comparing social power to horse-power. When a car is being driven, it's being controlled. But let's say it's a teenaged boy who's driving it on his way to impress a girl who he wants to ask out on a date. That's an intent to influence. And then let's say that when he shows up at her house in his new rig she turns him down and in anger he runs over a stop sign on a nearby street corner, destroying city property and causing significant damage to the front bumper and right front quarter-panel of the vehicle. That's force. So, by your analysis, social power is like a new car being driven by a teenager who can't get a date and has no respect for city property. Do I have that about right?

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Daniel's picture


Saturday, May 14, 2022 -- 3:13 PM

O.K., maybe that analogy

好吧,也许这个类比有点遥远,但我认为这是一个很好的类比。因为尽管你在描述属于社会权力现象的三个组成部分时没有把你的术语定义清楚,但一个更大的可能范围就被允许了,这个范围本可以通过几个礼貌的修饰语来缩小相当大的范围。因此,让我们来看看社会权力与对民主政府形式的意识形态或智力支持所产生的误解之间的关系,这种误解被描述为一种经常倾向于哗变的倾向,模糊了其准确的描述。你在第一句话中指出,这种smash -tendency是一种倾向,认为事物是一个大的事物(用你的术语来说是“整体的”),而不是很多小的事物,这些小的事物在描述上更接近事物的真实面目,引申来说,就是社会权力的对象应该如何接近。你已经把它分解成三个,它们被任何特别值得注意的特征所定义,因此,除非赋予它们一些特别的特征,否则它们将仍然是毫无用处的模糊。

Clearly stated is the sharp distinction between discussions of democratic form as maximal distribution of governance-choice ("equality" in your terminology), and an accurate comprehension of the genuine phenomenon of social power. The former misapprehends the latter. And why is that the case? --Because of the monolith-concept instantiated by the smush-tendency. To further determine this relation, one could say that the concept is monolithic in form and smushed in content, by the tendency in one's thinking to make one thing an example of everything else. In this case it's what's equal in quantity to another thing. And because governance-representation is in fact drastically unequal in popular terms, the dissonance between monolithic equality and smushed claims of how one is or is not equal to one thing or another, obscures an accurate and therefore socially healthy and politically accurate view of the phenomenon of social power, or what it really is and, by implication, where it is.

这是我在上面的帖子中所能了解到的。你没有做的是区分社会权力和公共权力,这有希望识别前者的独立组成部分,而不是在没有事先定义的情况下单调地重复它的标签。社会权力是观念诉求的中心,它包含了与社会制度的最大数量的联系,这些联系来源于继承的特权和文化卓越。另一方面,公共权力是一个纯粹的数量概念,基于数字的力量与社会愿望和不满的政治解决的有效关系。当它们混合在一起时,难怪对社会权力的准确计算消失了,而统计人数被视为最具代表性的形式。在等式的另一边,当公共权力仅仅通过象征性地拥有社会权力的象征而扩散时,操纵集体行为的机会就出现了。记住“民主”(来自希腊语demos + kratia,意思是人民的力量),在词源上并不是指一种政府形式(这将是“demarchy”),而是一种必须由任何政府以专利或潜在能力应对的集体力量。在民主权力通过整体粉碎而扩散的条件下,社会权力的要素通过治理批准的工具来驾驭民主权力。关键在于让公众认可自己的压迫,如果代议制民主形式不那么容易被统一,这可能会困难得多。

Control, influence, and force are therefore not sufficient. All three belong to both. Unique to social power by this account are rather uniqueness of qualification, specialized management of democratic power, and capacity of popular servitude-compulsion. Deployment of equality-monolithism by making use of smushing tendencies, would therefore be a characteristic of the first, in service to the second, resulting in the third. Is that a compatible account?

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- 1:57 PM

Returning to ideology for a

Returning to ideology for a moment. "Stands apart from objective truth". Does that sound so different from authoritarianism? I don't think so. Got into a tiff with some Vedic radicals today. At first, their response to my comments was measured and according to doctrine, near as I could discern. Then another response came to my email. This was disjointed, accusatory and almost wholly stochastic. Someone there got really riled and shaken. I responded in a measured half-dozen words.

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