Ken's Konundrums

Our co-founder and longtime host, Ken Taylor, would have turned 66 this month. (It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since he's been gone!) So we're celebrating him by revisiting some of his favorite recording moments: CONUNDRUMS!

肯喜欢在广播中与听众交谈,以解开他们的哲学难题,并一再恳求我们向听众询问他们个人的日常困境。我们理解他为什么这么喜欢它们……难题是有趣的!因为没有更好的描述,它们就像五分钟的哲学糖果。但不要把我们的话当真……listen to a few and see for yourself.

我们将这些难题分为3类。首先是人际关系方面的困惑;其次是工作关系和职业道德的困境;最后是一些关于宗教世界中的无神论者的讨论。Once you've checked them out, we'd love you tosend us real-life conundrums of your ownthat we can discuss with you on the air!


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