
Sunday, September 25, 2022
First Aired:
Sunday, June 28, 2015

What Is It

Best known for his workBeing and Time,马丁·海德格尔被许多人誉为二十世纪最伟大的哲学家。他也被批评为几乎不可读和纳粹。然而,他在西方思想史上的重要地位是无可争议的。那么,当海德格尔写世界、存在和时间的时候,他的意思是什么?作为今天的思想家,尤其是现代技术哲学家,他还有什么重要的意义?我们应该读纳粹的作品吗?John and Ken are present and ready with Thomas Sheehan from Stanford University, author ofMaking Sense of Heidegger: A Paradigm Shift.

Listening Notes

John opens explaining that although he used to hate Heidegger just like most analytic philosophers, he’s come to quite like him as a thinker. But Ken thinks that his terminology is confused; likeDasein, what is that? John explains that Heidegger’sDaseinis contrasted with the Cartesian ego. For Heidegger the world doesn’t present itself to the world through ideas and representation; rather, the human is immersed in the world through experience. Ken thinks Heidegger then sounds like quite a naturalist. John agrees in the sense that all that we do as humans is grounded in nature and the world around us. Ken then reminds John that Heidegger was a Nazi! John feels a little uncomfortable but good ideas are good ideas.

John and Ken are joined by guest Thomas Sheehan, a professor of philosophy and religious studies from Stanford University and the author ofMaking Sense of Heidegger: A Paradigm Shift. Just to get it out of the way, John asks Sheehan if he could discuss Heidegger’s anti-Semitism, especially since Sheehan was one of the first to bring this to the attention of the intellectual community. Sheehan is in favor of throwing out the windowDaseinas a topic. Sheehan saysDaseinreally means to be thrown ahead for the purpose of meaning. In anything we are doing, we are looking ahead to a goal, and so use things as means to reach our purposes and goals. Being in the world means being in the world of meaning which gives its significance to things that we come into contact with.

Ken asks to clarify the difference between the Cartesian in the world and the Heideggerian in the world. Sheehan explains that for the Heideggerian the world is a problem only when we fail and make a mistake, but the world is not presented to us by default as a problem as the Cartesian asserts. When the Heideggerians learn of their meaning making ability and their inability tonotmake meaning, then they experience dread. Ken then asks what Heidegger’s relationship is to existentialism. Sheehan agrees with an existentialist reading since Heidegger always asked how to make sense of death.

A caller asks what Heidegger’s relationship was to Husserl. Sheehan explains that Heidegger learned phenomenology and lived experience and logic of lived experience from Husserl. The notion that the mind is not locked in your head but all over the world is taken from Husserl. Ken returns to the topic of Descartes. He asks if there really is a big divorce between Descartes and the phenomenologists. Sheehan pushes back and says that it is two ways of doing philosophy. Heidegger’s concept of human beings is someone making meaningful order out of chaos. Everything is meaningful, but not everything is true. Heidegger is after why we make meaning and why we have to. Ken asks if Heidegger believes there is a world out there, and Sheehan argues that Heidegger really does believe in truth as correspondence to reality, but what is important in Heidegger is that the individual constitutes that reality.

约翰评论说,海德格尔似乎提出,他的哲学有助于人类更真实地生活。希恩表示,问题在于这是否真的能套现。虽然海德格尔确实邀请你对你的无根据感到敬畏和恐惧,但他绝对没有伦理,也不可能有伦理。肯怀疑这是否是存在主义者普遍存在的问题。肯接着问:对于海德格尔来说,真实地生活到底意味着什么?希恩说,死亡是一种走向死亡的过程,死亡总是萦绕在心头。回到海德格尔的纳粹主义,希恩说海德格尔只是他那个时代的人。但肯怀疑海德格尔的哲学是否可以用来支持纳粹主义。希恩承认这是可能的,因为他的历史性概念,这让人们可以从历史中挑选一些东西,并认可和拥有它到未来。希恩总结道,真实和活出真实是不够的,这是海德格尔和存在主义者的教训。 We see here the limits of Heidegger’s philosophy.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 5:40): According to Joshua Rothman at theNew Yorker, Heidegger was very charismatic and an intellectual star in Germany, which is what drew Hannah Arendt to be his mistress, even though he was married. When Hitler came to power he became the president of Freiburg University, but once Hitler fell, Heidegger fell from grace. Although Arendt was Jewish, she defended Heidegger by saying he was simply politically wise. In his Black Notebooks, he used his philosophy to make anti-Semitic remarks. So, although his thoughts can be used in anti-Semitic ways, this doesn’t necessarily imply that his thought is inherently anti-Semitic.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(Seek to 48:30): When it comes to Heidegger, even though he was a Nazi he didn’t suffer a bad fate at all. He had it pretty good compared to other philosophers such as Nietzsche, Spinoza, St. Augustine, Marquis de Sade, Ayn Rand. Socrates, Schopenhauer, Leibniz, and Kant!



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 -- 8:56 AM

It has been a dozen or more

It has been a dozen or more years since I read Being and Time. There are books I have read more than once. Heidegger's will not be one of them. The ether is thin. He was either a brilliant thinker or one of the most flagrant charlatans of our time. Yours truly can truly not decide. His Nazism does not bother me---many great thinkers have made questionable choices when it came to other aspects of ideology. But I could find no clarity in his presentation. Some may say, well, there are the problems that attach to translation. Friends and associates have said the same of Frege's work on math-based logic. In any case, I leave MH to those who 'get it'. I can't. Exotic smoke & mirrors is still smoke & mirrors.

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Daniel's picture


Tuesday, August 9, 2022 -- 7:11 PM

See the Beitraege (Vom

关于海德格尔与纳粹的关系,应该指出的是,没有发现他对政权的影响,他在1933-34年努力将自己与法西斯主义联系起来作为一场运动,没有成功地帮助确定它。它的主要动机显然是人类需要迎接技术带来的历史挑战。《Nur noch in Gott kann uns retten》,《明镜周刊》1976年5月31日,第193-219页);但是,他的哲学和他的政治之间并没有明确的联系,即使可以通过推测得出许多联系。然而,在海森堡的工作中,我们可以发现这两者之间有更清晰的联系。海森堡不仅与纳粹领导人密切合作,而且在战争努力中发挥了相当大的作用,他热情地倡导建造核武器,尽管德国的这个项目从未启动。对于思想史来说,这是一个有趣的问题,为什么海森堡似乎得到了他参与的通行证,而海德格尔通常没有。是否因为所涉及的概念的性质,即一种可以从政治事务中清楚地划分出来,而另一种则不能?

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